NY1 Reporter, Michael Scotto, 'Not Frightened' By Rep. Michael Grimm's Threats

After having several threats spewed his way during an interview with U.S. Rep. Michael Grimm on Tuesday, NY1 reporter Michael Scotto said he's "not frightened" and was just doing his job, the New York Daily News reported.

Scotto was in the Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday night when he approached Grimm about President Obama's State of the Union address. After asking him about the speech, Scotto questioned the congressman about an investigation into his campaign finances.

"I'm not speaking about anything that's off-topic. This is only about the president" Grimm responded before walking away.

After Scotto believed the interview was over, he went on camera to close his story but was interrupted by an irritated Grimm.

"Let me be clear to you," Grimm said. "You ever do that to me again I'll throw you off this f------ balcony."

"Why, why? I just wanted to ask you..." Scotto responded. "It's a valid question."

"No, no, you're not man enough, you're not man enough. I'll break you in half. Like a boy," Grimm threatened.

During an apperance on "Morning Joe" Wednesday morning, Scotto defended his questions for the congressman.

"I thought it was the perfect opportunity to ask him a question that we've been trying to ask him for almost two weeks now," Scotto said.

Though NY1 has requested an apology from Grimm, he tried to justify his behavior in a statement, calling Scotto "disrespectful" and said he took a "cheap shot at the end of the interview."

"I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect, especially when I go out of my way to do that reporter a favor," the statement said. "I doubt I am the first member of Congress to tell off a reporter and I am sure I won't be the last."