Senate Report Accuses Hunter Biden is Involved in Prostitution and Human Trafficking

Hunter Biden, the son of presidential candidate and former U.S. vice president Joe Biden, is accused of sending thousands of dollars to several individuals who are allegedly working in the sex industry, said a Republican-released report on Wednesday.

Hunter Biden involved in human trafficking?

The official report wrote that Biden sent money to non-US resident alien women living in the country who were originally from Russia and Ukraine. The women then proceeded to transfer the funds they received to other people in their home countries.

According to the New York Post, the report also stated that some of the transactions were linked to what authorities believed to be prostitution or human trafficking ring in Eastern Europe.

The documents also detail the potential criminal concerns and extortion threats that involve Biden and other members of his family. The report writes an extensive public report of Biden's alleged involvement with the prostitution operations.

The report added that the records on file with the Committees neither confirm nor deny the allegations against Biden. However, it writes that they confirm Biden sent thousands of dollars to several individuals.

The recipients of the funds have either been involved in transactions involving potential human trafficking operations, been in association with the adult entertainment industry, or a possible connection to prostitution.

A woman sued Biden last year for alleged paternity in Arkansas, who was later revealed to be a former stripper at a strip club in Washington, DC. The American lawyer frequented the establishment where the woman worked when he was dating his late brother, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden's widow.

Arkansas Circuit Judge Holly Meyer ruled in January that Biden was the biological and legal father of Lunden Alexis Roberts, the baby born in August 2018. Meyer noted that DNA tests show Biden and the baby had near scientifically identical results.

Other accusations

Biden is also accused of conducting lucrative work at a Ukrainian energy firm when his father was serving as the vice president of the United States, as reported by BBC.

The report against Biden details how his alleged involvement with the corrupt company was awkward and problematic, just as the United States is attempting to help Ukraine clean up corruption in the country.

United States President Donald Trump has previously accused the former vice president of interfering with Ukraine to support his son's business interests in the region. However, lawmakers have not found any substantial evidence to support the president's claims.

According to The Guardian, two Republican-led Senate committees released a politically charged report that accuses Biden's work in Ukraine was a conflict of interest for former U.S. President Barack Obama's administration.

However, the report ultimately concluded that the effects of Biden's involvement in Ukraine on the Obama administration's policy with the European country remained unclear.

The former vice president's campaign quickly criticized the report, which was released a mere six weeks before the November elections, as part of Trump's efforts to denigrate the Democrat's presidential candidacy.

United States, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Donald Trump, Prostitution, Human trafficking