6-Year-Old Child Found Surrounded by Flies, Trash and Rotting Food in Uninhabitable Home

A couple from Pennsylvania was arrested after probation officers found their 6-year-old child in a filthy bedroom surrounded by trash, rotting food, and flies.

Child neglect

According to the complaint against Travis J. Huff, 35 years of age, and Amanda M. Huff, 36 years of age, trash was everywhere in the Altoona home.

Aside from trash, there was a lot of rotting food and dirty dishes in the kitchen. Open trash bags with rotting food and flies swarming was also everywhere. Dog and cat feces trampled into the living room floor, according to Altoona Mirror.

Hundreds of flies swarmed around the kitchen sink and stove. Fly traps in the kitchen and the living room were all covered with flies. The complaint said that code officers tagged the home as uninhabitable.

According to the Mirror, the probation officers, who were involved because of previous child endangerment allegations, discovered the filthy living conditions when they visited the home on September 23.

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Altoona police charged the Huffs with felony child endangerment and neglect of animals. Blair County Children and Youth Services placed the 6-year-old and a 16-year-old daughter, who was at work when the officers visited the home with other family members.

The Central Pennsylvania Humane Society removed two dogs, a cat and a guinea pig from the home. According to the complaint, the family moved into the home in the spring but moved to a motel last week because the water was shut off.

The family had just returned to the home because the water was back on. The complaint also said that Travis Huff told the police that the 16-year-old had stayed behind at the home while the rest of the family was at the motel because of her job.

According to court documents, the Huffs are being held in the Blair County Prison in lieu of $25,000 bail, according to WJAC.

Similar case

In August 2019, authorities found two children living in a filthy house filled with trash. The house had blocked toilets and moldy plates scattered around.

The officers only discovered the unsanitary state of the house after neighbors found a crying child knocking at their door after he was locked out of his home in Swansea, Wales.

The neighbors followed him to his house, but they heard another child crying inside, and that was when they called the police. The officers arrived at the scene and witnessed the filthy living conditions the children had been made to endure.

According to Wales Online, there were dirty clothes on the floor, a large knife at the top of the stairs, and broken glass scattered across the floor in one of the bedrooms. Dog feces was also lying around.

Both parents were in the house, and they were asleep at the time, but they did not know the police had entered until they were roused. The parents had previously pleaded guilty to child neglect when they were sentenced at Swansea Crown court.

Both parents are long-term drug addicts, but social services had visited the house a month earlier and had not raised concerns. Both parents have been given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

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Child neglect, Child Abuse, Crime