
Chinese Missiles Are the Main Threat to the U.S. Not the PLAN Itself

According to the head of the Indo-Pacific Command, the U.S. bases in the Pacific face a great threat from Chinese missiles. In the event of war, they are willing to commit them to destroy U.S. assets that are not prepared to defend against it.

One of the concerns of the U.S. is how to nullify their arsenal of China and preserve forces to hit China hard. But the defense for incoming missiles has no solution yet.

Adm. Phil Davidson expressed concern over China's edge in ballistic missiles used against the U.S. and its military. He stressed that their advantage in cruise and ballistic missiles should be countered offensively, reported Breaking Defense.

Most in peril is the American base at Guam in the crosshairs of the CCP. This base will be the Achilles heel of the U.S. forces in the Pacific. It serves as a jump-off, resupply for American warships, bombers, and home to the U.S. Marines facing their greatest challenge yet.

The U.S. military has built up weapons to fight adversaries in Guam. He stressed that little is spent to stop Chinese offensive weapons from decimating it.

Davidson has been very vocal about modern missile defense to protect personnel and equipment. Systems like the Aegis Ashore air defense system should be a top need for island defense. Another is the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense or THAAD that can be seen in a 120-degree range, but it is pointing the wrong way.

He explained that any missile defense system should have a 360-degree persistent capability for better coverage. The objective is not tailoring a defense that omnipotent to all enemies, but designing a capable deterrent for threats.

He punctuated that the Guam base is vulnerable and solutions need to be affected now, not years, or they will be sorry. Waiting until 2035 or 2040 might be too late as the threat exists. He hopes the funding for the Aegis system will be executed in Guam. The proposal was submitted in July to have it installed by 2026.

Adding that Admiral Davidson noted the buildup of Chinese fortifications in the South China Sea which was one of his concerns during the Obama years in which China had massive expansion.

The current situation does not affect only the U.S. but its allies as well, and China is ramp up very fast. Soon there will be no more way to arrest the growing threat but to face it and its risks on men and equipment.

Big bases are big problems

The base in Guam represents American power in men and equipment. It is a liability with a large crosshair on it. China cannot wait to take it out when hostilities break out. America is crippled in the Pacific region that is what the CCP is counting on.

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger is leading the way to give the Marine forces a fighting chance. He proposes to disperse forces into independent fighting units that will fight a fast mobile battle. The marines will have anti-air and anti-vessel weapons on vastly upbeat and dynamic warfighting to keep China on its toes.

Key to this is lighter vessels to carry the marines and their weapons to battle. The Chinese threat needs an asymmetrical solution as well as ways to stop Chinese missiles at the source.

US military
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