Baking is a process of cooking by dry heat inside a special kind of oven. It is one of the oldest cooking methods because bread is an everyday staple since olden times that are essential for a good diet.
Several baking techniques have been improved through the years, from utensils, ovens, and even the process has been developed over time. Egyptians are responsible for the first to use of leavening in 2600 BCE.
Leavening is a similar method in making bread today. The Egyptian baking industry developed around 50 varieties of bread that vary in shape and flavor. The samples discovered within the tombs in the region were flatter and coarser than the bread in modern times.
There is this connotation that baking is tricky and can be intimidating, but it is still a lot of fun with these essential tips and tricks. There are several benefits to baking, such as boosting your confidence, and how it unlocks all your senses.
Read the recipe and instructions first
Before you begin to bake, read the recipes and instructions beforehand. From the beginning of your cooking process, you must already be familiar with every step and procedure.
More often than not, the mistake of a baker is not being ready with the next step; it is essential in baking that you read all instructions to avoid wasting ingredients. Follow the recipe and don't make gratuitous changes in the recipe if you are not sure about the effect to the taste or consistency.
Ready all the ingredients
These first two tips seem ordinary, but knowing the process and preparing all the ingredients before starting is crucial when baking.
While reading the instructions and recipe, you can note the measurement of the ingredient you will need. There is little room for error in preparing all the recipes because they mostly have tools to help you measure how much you should be using.
Prepare the oven
Temperature is essential for baking because it plays a significant role in causing physical transitions and chemical reactions to the dough and the batter. You calibrating the oven means you preheat the oven at around 250 degrees and place the thermometer in the center for about five to ten minutes. Calibrating helps to have a consistent result and a more accurate temperature setting.
Invest in silicone baking sheets
If you are passionate about baking and are planning on focusing on making it a hobby or a business, it is better to invest in silicone baking sheets and baking mats. Not only does it save you from cleaning the pans, but it also makes cookies bake evenly.
Pans absorb more heat than silicone ones, and because of that, the finished products of the pan-baked cookies are usually darker compared to the silicone-baked cookies.
Bake in batches
Baking in batches saves a lot of time, and it increases your production. Since holidays and events are just around the corner, there is no need to stress yourself if you decide to bake something for your friends and family. You just need to create a plan, find a recipe that you can use as a guide when you are doing the batches, and stick to your list.
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