Pentagon Gauging How Fast Nukes Can Be Armed If New START is Not Renewed

It is a serious concern if the START treaty will not renewed. The Pentagon will know how fast can nukes be armed and ready for use. Getting the Russians sign the agreement will be crucial.

On February 2021, the end of START will mean no more arms control. Russia has made it clear that there is little of the extending nuclear treat that is keeping another arms race occurring, the Sun.

Since the effective date of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty increase of nuclear arms has been controlled, the United States wants a new treaty for another 10-years, but it seems to slip through quickly.

China was supposed to be part of it but refused, despite reminders that they are now part of the exclusive superpower club.

The administration has asked for a critical assessment to arm them is a grave concern. Storing them is a complicated process and time is of the essence when getting them ready for deployment, reported Politico.

According to American negotiators who view that Russia is not serious and just buying time. Their objective is to deal with Biden whose son Hunter has dealings with them. Hunter has had dealing with Ukraine as well.

Allegedly, Joe Biden has made it public that he'll extend the nuclear accord with good terms for Moscow, which is what the current administration wants. Putin believes that the Biden administration will give him what he wants as the Vice-president before Putin cut him off while speaking.

One source said that Russia makes it hard to get them on the accord before the election is concluded, having an agreement before would have been optimal, but it's not the case.

Russia wants something for its cooperation that will be a good incentive for them. They want something in return to sit back and negotiate.

The assessment was asked for the last two weeks, as it concern officials from Defense and Energy, National Security Council, and State departments.

Marshall Billingslea, the chief negotiator has their full backing in getting a new nuclear accord in place soon.

He has suggested concern if no accord is achieved even suggesting arming subs and bombers as fast as they can be armed. All the more making the New Start treaty imperative if there is a change of administration after the November elections.

Billingslea said that China must be part of a Trilateral treaty at all costs. Terms have been unaccepted by Russia as well.

Sergei Ryabkov, Deputy Foreign Minister stated last week's critical opinions has an impact on the treaty. Saying that no intention is taken to add China to the New START or any similar talks or accord, making it clear to Washington that China is a non-entity to them, which Americans forget, mentioned Reuters.

America views the New START is vital to the balance of power for the two superpowers. It is needed to prevent a runaway arms race that is crucial to both nations.

Arming nukes is not wise, all agree with the administration, even criticizing it.

Hunter Biden, Ukraine