Kansas Mom and Her Four Kids Die After Semi-Trailer Crashed Into Their SUV Splitting It Into Two

A large semi-trailer did not stop at the stop sign. Instead, it rammed an SUV that split into two from the impact. Inside the vehicle, a Kansas mom and her kids died from the collision that happened on Friday, September 25.

In Sedgewick County in Kansas, at 5 in the afternoon when tragedy struck the family inside the SUV. A semi-trailer rig loaded up with grain did not stop and hit the Ford Expedition of Jessica Noel's colored white.

Jessica, age-32, and her five kids were inside the SUV when it happened. They are Anaiah Williams, 10, Jeffrey Williams, 4, Mack Williams, 23 months, and Hank Williams, 4-months, all died from the violent impact. She was cruising on 263rd Street when the truck was coming head-on east of the 71 Street South. According to Meaww, the truck driver failed to follow the traffic rules.

The SUV did not stop in time to avoid the impact that ended the lives of the family. The impact tore the SUV in two halves. All were killed on impact. Though, the toddler Mack was still alive and brought to the hospital where he also died. The rig's driver was unscathed from the accident, though he has to be charged, reported by the Daily Mail.

This incident came as a blow to Noel's spouse, Jeffrey Williams, when he went to the site of the accident that took most of his family to the grave. They died close to where they lived, and the husband was devasted by the tragedy. The brother-in-law to the victim told KSN, that the loss of his brother's family is tragic and sad, thanking those who gave their condolences and reached out to their family is appreciated, one day at a time.

Alyssa Papan, the niece of the widower, created a GoFundMe page to help with the expenses of the family. Last Friday, September 25, 2020, he was at home with the only surviving child is Brooklyn, 10. He knew that Noel was getting food at the grocer's when she left in the white expedition.

She did not get home early with the four kids so he was making calls. He was very concerned about why his wife was not answering and he getting very much alarmed. He was calling from his mobile and asking for their whereabouts. He then received a dreaded phone call from a friend who told him about an accident close to their house, noted Yahoo Lifestyle.

He went to the accident and saw the shattered chassis of the SUV and his deceased family. Authorities talked to him when they saw the aggrieved man.

He was told by the responders that the SUV had only one left alive. Jeff went to the Wesley Medical Center to find out how Mack was doing there. He was waiting for hours to learn that the toddler was hanging on. However, his wife Jessica and three kids could not be saved. On September 26, 2020, Mack William's died from his injuries.

According to the GoFundMe, the money is for paying all the expenses for burying the five William's family members with dignity. As of this writing, the fund drive reached $70,000.