Elvis Presley Still Alive and Well? Theories Say He is Hiding Away in Buenos Aires

The King, Elvis Presley, has been dead since 1977 and his fans worldwide have not truly recovered from his passing. However, sightings of the artist have become commonplace and the most popular one happened shortly after his death.

Fans of the beloved singer believe Presley snuck away by faking his death and living a secret life in South America.

Elvis Presley alive?

According to Express, Presley was addicted to drugs and alcohol for several years before passing away at hin home in Graceland, Memphis on August 6, 1977. But since then, there have been several reports of people seeing the artist, raising the possibility that he is alive and well.

Despite not having substantial evidence proving the conspiracy nor is there enough proof as to why The King would hide away, people suspect it was to get away from the spotlight and live a peaceful life.

The leading conspiracy theory states that on Presley's death on August 16, 1977, a man who resembled the star was seen at Memphis airport. Allegedly, the man purchased a one-way ticket to Buenos Aires.

Another fuel to the conspiracy is that the man is believed to have used the name "Jon Burrows" during his time at the airport.

Presley fans would be familiar with the name because Jon Burrows was the star's go-to fake name whenever he checked into hotels and other establishments when he wanted to hide his real identity.

Since the conspiracy theory, several fans have posted pictures of a man who bears a striking resemblance to The King walking around Buenos Aires.

Despite the evidence that most fans believe, the author of the book "Elvis Decoded," Patrick Lacy, attempted to debunk the conspiracy theories and prove that Presley is truly gone.

Over time, Lacy has continued to argue that the story about Presley and the conspiracy surrounding his alleged hidden life is not entirely accurate.

One of the reasons against the theory is that in 1977, Memphis International Airport was not providing direct flights to Buenos Aires. While Presley could have found a loophole, Lacy said he was simply stating the facts.

In August, the conspiracy theories surrounding the artist's death have been rekindled when a man reported that he saw Presley after his death in 1977. The individual noted that he met The King, who was living in Chile, and disguised himself as "Bill," as reported by The Week.

A brief history

Presley initially made three appearances on "The Ed Sullivan Show" in 1956 where the artist was paid a massive sum of $50,000 for his performances.

According to Biography.com, over 60 million people watched Presley's first appearance and others believe the star helped bridge the generation gap between young and old fans.

Presley was previously engaged in a passionate love affair with a woman named Ann-Margaret during the filming process of Viva Las Vegas in 1964.

Later on, the star's cousin, Billy Smith, revealed in his book titled "Elvis and the Memphis Mafia" that he initially supported the idea of his family marrying Ann-Margaret.

Buenos Aires, Elvis Presley, Living, Alive