Shark Attack Suspected Cause of Missing Surfer in Western Australia

A shark attack was suspected to be the cause of a missing male surfer at the Kelp Beds Beach closed to the town of Esperance in Western Australia.

The attack was confirmed as a severe shark bite incident on Friday morning.

The shark incident was reported by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

According to the police, the search for the missing surfer has been fruitless.

His surfboard has washed ashore, leaving grim signs and indications of what happened.

Surfers who frequent the sea sometimes run the risk of entangling with these ocean predators.

In Western Australia, there have been random shark attacks on several occasions.

This year, there have been recorded shark attacks on six people in different places all over the country. The latest suspected shark fatality occurred on the southern coast of Western Australia, reported CNN.

Soon after the shark attack on the missing victim, there were more sightings of the oceanic alpha predators, said the DPIRD.

Although there is no confirmation yet on what shark species is responsible for the attacks happening throughout Australia.

For surfers and swimmers' safety, the beaches have been declared off-limits as water police have been leading a search and rescue to find the victim if he is still alive. Joining the search are more vehicles to comb the sea.

Shark attacks have taken the lives of six ocean goers on several beaches in 2020. Sources say that the Australian Shark Attack File in the Taronga Conservation Society Australia had some statements to clear up about attacks. In 2019 no one died from shark attacks. In 2018 there was only one fatality, based on their records.

Also read: 2,000-Pound Female Great White Shark Swam Hundreds of Miles to Avoid Mating

Asked for comments about the deaths, the Western Australia Premier, Mark McGowan, said the latest shark incident was difficult and a tragic occurrence last Friday, stated a report on CNN affiliate, Seven News.

According to McGowan, the state's southern coast close to Esperance is considered a breeding ground for sharks, especially Great Whites.

These sharks are one of the largest in the world and can reach 20-feet in length.

Esperance is located about 720 kilometers (447 miles) southeast of Perth in Australia. A renowned place for avid divers to visit as well.

Shark attacks have occurred close to Esperance over the years. 2017 saw the death of 17-year old Laeticia Brouwer. She was with her father at the time while surfing, when the predator struck.

In 2020, the same tragic event happened when a diver went into the sea but never surfaced and assumed to be deceased. The body was never recovered from the sea, and a Great White may be the killer.

This year there has been an uptick in shark attacks that include beaches in New South Wales, Queensland, and Tasmania since the start of the year.

Related article: Immense Great White Called Queen of the Ocean is Over 50 Years Old, Covered in Scars

Great white shark, Australia, Shark attack