Oakland Raider Cheerleaders 'Not Allowed To Attend Parties At Players' Homes' To Avoid 'Date Rape,' Leaked Handbook Reveals Strict Life Of Raiderettes

The Raiderettes, NFL cheerleaders for the Oakland Raiders, apparently do not get much out of their job. In addition to only being paid $125 per game, the Raiderettes have to adhere to strict regulations in the Raiderette handbook, the Los Angeles Times reported.

In a Monday article for the Los Angeles Times, Robin Abcarian writes how she came into possession of the confidential Oakland Raiderettes handbook. The handbook is a guide to how Raiderettes should act according to American customs, from how to eat, to proper conduct at social gatherings.

"The handbook is patronizing and insulting, with outmoded ideas about men and women in the workplace, even if the workplace is not your average office," Abcarian wrote. "In places, it appears to be written for people unfamiliar with American customs, which is peculiar considering the uniquely American history of the game."

Abcarian allegedly received the handbook when she wrote a story last week about the Raiderettes' class-action lawsuit against the team for violating labor laws.

"If you don't like your meal, try a little of everything and strategically move the rest around your plate," the handbook states, according to Abcarian. "Gently unfold your napkin and place it on your lap...If you need to leave the table, place the napkin on your chair, and don't forget to say, 'Excuse me.' "

Though the Raiders say they are the only team that does not prohibit cheerleaders and players to date, the handbook warns cheerleaders not to.

"We STRONGLY prefer you do not date any of the players," the book says, Abcarian wrote.

The handbook also prohibits cheerleaders from attending parties at players' houses because they risk being date raped, which has happened in the past. Raiderettes also risk ruining their reputations.

"For you on the squad who have attended those parties, just think how narrowly you missed having your photo in all the local papers and/or being assaulted," the handbook says, according to Abcarian.

Some professional cheerleaders don't mind the restrictions, though. According to Yahoo! Shine, Redskins cheerleader Jamilla Keene, who gets paid $75 per game, told the Washington Post: "You do it for the love of what you do."