
US NSA Claims China Will Not Leave the Himalayan Border Without a Fight

China will not give up the Himalayan border without a fight, according to the U.S. National Security Agency.

The NSA said last Saturday that China will not budge and lie about its intention in the Line of Actual Control (LAC) issue and that it aims to steal the LAC and put in their version of it to India's detriment.

NSA advisors said that China's belligerence would prevail over any dialogue or agreements. Time and time again, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had not held up any settlement with any country. Most notable is the South China Sea that they had militarized heavily, reported Economic Times.

The tensions rise in the high-country of the Ladakh border in the last five months with China and India at a stalemate.

Several occasions and skirmishes with fatalities on the Indian Army side while the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had kept their fatalities secret. The initiation of talks on the border dispute had been futile, and the Chinese side is dragging it. This shows that the PLA is ready to be at loggerheads to draw out the issue, cited Al Jazeera.

According to U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien, the CCP is roguish in its desire to grab any territory. It is even changing the LAC to seize control where ever it can. It is amassing armor and troops on the border, a sure sign they intend to fight it out.

China's double-dealing intentions are not more apparent than its One Belt One Road (OBOR).

Also read: PLA Conducts Practice Assault Drills, Preparing for Possible Taiwan Invasion?

This way, countries are in a bind, and the CCP grabs territory this way too. They want the OBOR to be another economic bloc to the west. Countries fooled by this scheme pay for unneeded and low-quality work that are not well-made, said the National Security adviser.

China the new colonist by deceit

The newest colonizer is giving loans generously, but hooking countries on loans they can never afford. In time, these countries bow to the pressure and will be taken by the CCP. One example is when a vote is needed in the UN-demanding a vote for China because of their indebtedness.

O'Brien added that China's efforts called international aid is doubtful. Vending surveillance systems and anything to regimes against freedom to control its citizens. One good example is Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro colluding with the Chinese communists to keep power.

He stressed that anyone dealing with the People's Republic of China should stop considering that CCP is accepting any civilized agreement that countries follow. The CCP will not change its ways or anything but its agenda. The United States has realized this and knows China cannot be trusted. It is a mistake and a deadly option to trust them.

The official said that the U.S. must counter China's ill intent and protect its citizens.

O'Brien said the U.S. should oppose the Chinese and protect the American people.

Moves to protect America is what the current administration has done-fighting to contain Chinese hegemony with American influence. The NSA cautions India on the Chinese's intent to have the Himalayan border as another conquest if allowed by India.

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China, India, NSA
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