Man Attacked by Hellish Ex-Girlfriend Who Had Him Beaten With Bat on Head

Love gone wrong must have been the theme when a hellish ex-girlfriend had lured her ex-boyfriend beaten with a bat on the head. The attack was so brutal that police saw his brains on the floor.

The court heard when the case heard about the incident caused by the man's jilted ex going to extreme measures.

PD Dean Williams investigated the case made the gruesome find of the victims' brains, literally on the pavement. Battered with a vicious bat on his skull, noted the Mirror.

Those involved in the lover's quarrel gone deadly is the jilted ex-girlfriend, Crystal Culhane, 22. Who had the hit arranged with James White, 22, to batter the victim, Paul Flory,33, the long-time ex of Miss Culhane. Last year, the incident happened at a house in Harefield, West London, when lured by his ex-partner, according to the old Bailey, reported the Daily Mail.

When Flory got to the house, White tried to kill him with the deadly bat, allegedly claimed.

PC William said about the brain matter when he investigated the assault on Mr. Flory. He saw what seemed like brain tissue from the attack. It was a claret color on the floor.

The 33-year old victim with terrible injuries inflicted on his head and body. If not for other people, he'd be dead. The EMTs brought him to the hospital, who struggled to keep him stable.

According to Prosecutor Tyrone Silcott, beyond a shadow of doubt was the assault lethal at that time. It was in a location close to his attackers' address.

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He added that the battering and assault were so severe. He barely survived, made it hard for the victim to identify who nearly killed him. He knew Miss Culhane, with whom he had a prior relationship, mentioned Head Topics.

A day ago, Jamie Hattam, 33, had one night with the attacker White, who told the court that she witnessed the man when the brutal assault happened.

According to the emergency, medical technicians (EMTs) who were the first at the scene said that Mr. Flory was knockout. His injuries were severe head trauma, skull cracked from the blows, swelling on his eyes, and face with bleeding. Told Silcott to the court, cited Metro UK.

Other injuries the victim had was massive bruising to his abdomen and chest. But he survived against the odds.

Before the attack, Ms. Culhane had a relationship with White before she had gotten back together.

The prosecutor lined up what lead to the near-fatal attack. On the 18th of August 2019, the ex lured Mr. Flory that equaled to a honey pot trap near White's at 1:30 am. He fell for it and nearly died.

The prosecutor added that Flory and Culhane had a long-term relationship that had a history of domestic violence. Flory arrested for assaulting his Miss Culhane; the prosecutor told the court. Miss Flory did not assist the case against him. When released from prison, they were not allowed any contact, but they did.

Both White and the ex-girlfriend denies having him beaten with a bat.

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