Most Haunted Houses in America: Location, History, and Scary Stories

If you are a fan of paranormal investigations and ghost hunting, you are familiar with the concept of haunted houses. Haunted houses have reputations for scaring visitors with alleged ghost sighting, poltergeist activities, and dark history.

Haunted Houses in America

Many people like to avoid haunted houses, but some are adventurous at heart that loves a bit of thrill. If you are one of those who loves to go on adventures filled with goosebumps and ghost stories, here are some of the haunted houses you must visit.

The Whaley House Museum in San Diego, California

Back in 1852, James Robinson, also known as "Yankee Jim" was hung by his neck for the crime of grand larceny. After a few years, Thomas and Anna Whaley built a house on the exact spot where Robinson was hanged.

Soon after the house was built, Yankee Jim's ghost started haunting the place. It is said that his footsteps can be heard around the house at night.

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Yankee Jim is not the only ghost in the house; both Thomas and Anna Whaley, a young girl and a dog, have been spotted, with dozens of people claiming they saw their apparition. In the 1960s, TIME stated that the U.S Commerce Department classified the Whaley House as haunted.

House of Death in New York City, New York

"The House of Death" is located at New York's Greenwich Village on West 10th Street. The infamous townhouse is haunted by the ghosts of at least 22 people who have lived there or passed away. One of the most famous ghosts is a 6-year-old girl who was beaten to death by her stepfather.

Despite its horrific past, the house is flocked by tourists. It is said that famous author Mark Twain stayed in the house in 1900, and he occasionally visits the place.

The house's haunted history is also documented in Jan Bryant Bartell's "Spindrift: Spray from a Psychic Sea." She recounts her experiences living in the top floor apartment of the building. The building has private apartments, so it is impossible to tour the whole facility, but the street is a popular stop on ghost tours in the city.

Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California

The Victorian mansion in San Jose is said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who were killed by a Winchester rifle during the war. To appease the spirits, the house's owner, Sarah Winchester, the heir to the Winchester rifle fortune, added numerous rooms to the house to "confuse" the dead.

The house is filled with halls that lead nowhere, staircases that cut off in the middle, floors sloping, and numerous chambers. According to NBC News, the house has a total of 10,000 windows, 2,000 doors, 40 staircases, 47 fireplaces, 13 bathrooms, and 9 kitchens.

Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast in Fall River, Massachusetts

In 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden were found dead in their own home. An ax-wielding murderer killed the couple. The suspect was Andrew's daughter, Lizzie. She stood trial for the crimes, but in the end, she was acquitted. However, the public was not quick to forget, and she lived the rest of her life on the down-low.

Lizzie is now said to haunt the home located in Fall River, Massachusetts, where her father and stepmother were killed. Her ghost is said to be found standing at the top of the stairs, laughing.

The house is now a bed and breakfast and a museum so that people can rent a room, and those who are brave enough can spend the night in the haunted home.

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Halloween, Haunted House, America, United States