Most Haunted Hospitals in the United States: Scary Stories and Dark History

Haunted hospitals are not challenging to come by. For years hospitals have had a lot of scary stories as it is where people have passed away.

The haunted ones are beautiful old buildings that do not function anymore. Some have such gruesome history that makes it understandable why the souls could not rest.

Haunted Hospitals

Many thrill-seekers want to experience something paranormal, and haunted hospitals are one of the perfect places to go and explore. Here are some of them:

Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky

In 1910, a tuberculosis epidemic had overwhelmed the medical facilities in Kentucky. That was when the state's Board of Tuberculosis Hospital decided to add a sanatorium that has 50 beds. By 1926, the sanatorium's capacity had increased; they were not able to keep up.

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Patients at Waverly Hill Sanatorium had experienced different types of torture, from balloons implanted in their lungs to removing their chest muscles and ribs to allow for lung expansion, most of them had died during the "treatment."

For those who died during the experiments, their bodies were dropped in a body chute that was a 500-foot tunnel. This allowed the personnel to send bodies down to be transferred on trains discreetly.

According to hospital visitors, body chute is the most active area of the place. Tourists have reported seeing the ghost of a nurse in room 502.

Eloise Complex in Westland, Michigan

In 1839, the Eloise Complex was built to serve as a psychiatric hospital, a county hospital, and a tuberculosis sanatorium. The complex consisted of 76 buildings on a 900-acre property and housed about 10,000 people who were mentally ill, in need of hospital care, and homeless. It has more than 2,000 staff members.

Visitors of the area have said they've encountered screams, mysterious moans, and a ghost of a woman at the asylum. In 2015, the complex went up for sale but had been unsuccessful in getting a buyer.

Rolling Hills Asylum in Bethany, New York

In 1827, the Rolling Hills Asylum had opened its doors, and it housed the mentally ill, the homeless, and those with conditions. All residents were referred to as inmates. The facility was known to perform a lobotomy on the residents, as well as electric shock therapy.

Visitors claimed to have seen a 7 feet tall shadow that cries. Footsteps can also be heard in the facility, as well as unexplained whispers and moans.

Pennhurst Asylum in Chester County, Pennsylvania

Pennhurst Asylum opened in 1908, and it took in patients with physical and mental disabilities. Immigrants, orphans, and homeless people were also locked up at the asylum. The facility called the residents inmates and had treated them like criminals.

By the 1960s, the institution was exposed by reporter Bill Baldini, and the country saw the abusive and unsafe conditions of the place. In 1987, the institution was shut down.

Pennhurst is one of the most haunted hospitals in America, with numerous ghost investigators and television shows sharing their experience at the institution. Most of them had heard voices and had reported sightings of shadow figures.

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Hospital, Halloween