Doctor Murders 25 Patients, Charged for Giving Too Much Fentanyl at 500 MG

Despite the Hippocratic Oath, one doctor murdered 25 patients because his prescription of 500 mg of fentanyl was fatal for them. But the doctor disagrees with charges leveled against him in court.

Despite the alleged overdose of painkillers, he said one patient is still alive. This a patient not included in the charges against him proves the prescription was not fatal. His lawyers are hammering the point to keep him out of jail, reported Daily Mail.

The accused, Dr. William Husel, asked the judge via his lawyers. The Franklin County Judge dropped the charges last Wednesday. Saying that the proof of the 500 mg dose was flimsy, Husel deserves freedom.

Jose Baez argued in court about the case. He later made a statement to WSYX reports.

Baaz said that patients listed were not included in the murder charges against the accused. The murder charges were 25 involved in the case against him. Sources say that 40 patients had died under his treatment from 2014 to 2018.

One criticism the lawyer said that the information referring to the 16 patients have been misrepresented. The proof was not given to the grand jury he complained.

He added that these 15 individuals under his care had doses or 500 or more. By the time they had passed away, there was no fentanyl in their system. He called it unsubstantiated charges against the accused. Adding the claim concerning the conduct of Franklin County Prosecutor that bordered on misconduct.

The doctor's defense refers to a patient who got 2,500 micrograms of fentanyl including extra medication, though the patient dies 10 days after. Based on court records that note a large number of painkillers were given in only 37-minute, cited ABC News.

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Court documents pointed out that traces of fentanyl was not found in the alleged victim's system by the time of death. As confirmed by an autopsy. But the cause of death had yet to be determined for the 25 patients murdered by their doctor.

It was pointed out that the accused doctor had the best interests of those under his watch. This is opposite the claim that the doctor murdered about 25 of his patients.

Baez said," 'All he did was care for his patients, try to make their last moments on earth decent ones with dignity and so that they didn't suffer."

But Prosecutor O'Brien did not agree with what the defense to dismiss the charges against the accused.

He compared the defense like a celebrity lawyer from Miami, with the way they conduct the accused doctor's defense.

The prosecutor said that not one expert has agreed that the doses given by Husel are advisable for all of them.

He further added that the defense of the accused doctor is like charging for the murders committed. That is why the other murders should be dismissed by the court. It was rather ridiculous, as O'Brien points out,

Sources say that no miss has been made to dismiss the next court date is 14 days by the defense to answer back.

The Franklin County Judge Michael Holbrook said that despite accused charges, some issues need fixing. One of these is if the doctor who murdered his 25 patients has merit in claiming innocence.

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