Angry Joe Biden Does a Hillary, Calls Trump Supporters 'Ugly folks' and 'Chumps'

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was unable to stop himself from getting riled up as he called Trump supporters, who had gathered during his campaign rally, as 'ugly folks' and 'chumps.'

Last October 30, former Vice President Joe Biden was holding his campaign rally in Minnesota when supporters of President Donald Trump gathered across the street from the venue of Biden's rally.

While Biden was giving his speech, Trump supporters started making noise by honking their horns.

The Trump supporters, unfortunately, outnumbered those gathered for Biden's campaign rally, reported Meaww.

With the repeated blaring of horn and sirens interrupting his speech, Joe Biden eventually got annoyed and said that Trump's supporters were not polite, likening them to the U.S. president.

And Biden continued to address them in his speech as he said that they, referring to Democrats, need to get together and fight those folks.

As the interruptions continued, Joe Biden eventually lost his cool and told his supporters, "This isn't a political statement like those ugly folks over there, beeping the horns. This is a patriotic duty, for God's sake," one user quoted him on Twitter.

He continued to take at jive at them by saying, "91 out of the Fortune 500 companies paid zero in taxes last year. Why? Why should a firefighter, an educator, and that guy blowing that horn, why should he pay?"

Later, he also called Trump's supporters as 'chumps,' saying, "I'll work as hard for those who don't support me as those who do, including those chumps at the microphone out there."

Biden then contradicted himself when he told the crowd that he might be running as a Democrat, but if he wins, he would be an American president for all.

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Biden's intolerance showed as he was visibly mad on stage, making a jab at Americans making a free choice. His disregard for Trump supporters and did not translate well for a presidentiable.

The ticker is that he indicated Trumpers as 'Chumps' on the microphone, but PolitiFact says it is false.

Early October, the ex-VP allegedly attacked hardcore Trump fans whom he called 'chumps' during a Pennsylvania rally. This is similar to the speech by Hillary Clinton in 2016, wherein she called Trump voters a basket of deplorables, who are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.

Joe Biden's comments, however, did not go down well with netizens as they called him out for his words and for giving the impression that he was not acting as the future commander in chief.

One user wrote on Twitter that the ex-VP is a 'Swamp Lunatic'; thus, it seemed that his attitude did not sit well with prospective voters.

An angry Joe Biden was criticized for calling Trump supporters' chumps' and 'ugly folks, ' which resulted in him being described as not a uniter but a divider.

Biden got trolled and called a sleaze bucket for his off the cuff remarks.

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Joe Biden