Hurricane ETA, Extremely Powerful and Dangerous Makes Landfall off Nicaragua Threatening Storms Surges

Hurricane ETA is heading for a collision course for Nicaragua's Caribbean coast, with powerful and devastating winds and heavy rains on early Tuesday. Area affected should brace for the effects of the storm.

Managua, Nicaragua will be affected by the strong winds with a speed of 145 mph, from the original 150 mph at its highest. It is rated a Category 4 hurricane weather service; some of the effects are rivers that are overflowing in Central America.

According to the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami, that reported, extremely dangerous Eta was very near the northeastern Nicaraguan coast. It said, "life-threatening storm surge, catastrophic winds, flash flooding, and landslides expected across portions of Central America."

The hurricane at 7 a.m. ETA was at 30-miles southeast of Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, and kept a west-southwest at 4-mph in that direction. By the time it made landfall, hurricane-force winds slam inland. A statement from the center said some changed in ETA will be felt before touches landfall. Some of the storm's power will diminish when it moves inland later in the day, reported CBS News.

Jeff Berardelli, CBS News meteorologist and climate specialist, mentioned the 150 mph winds as the most powerful in the season. Compared to Laura, with about 150 mph wind, with barometric pressure that is higher than Laura.

Also read: Hurricane Delta's Casualties Retrieved From Rubble in Louisiana

People in Nicaragua and Honduras have transferred from farther islands, which are too low to move to the shelters. Right before the storm hit, homeowners are vainly trying to save their homes. Any structure had less chance of surviving against the storms raging on the remote Caribbean coast.

The Nicaraguan army searched and rescued Bilwi, a coastal city located in a less densely lived area. Navy boats were moving locals from coastal areas to stay in shelters made for evacuation in Bilwi, called Cabezas.

Government sources said that 3,000 affected families in affected areas are at the shelters.

One shelter in on Bilwi, farmer Pedro waited for the arrival of ETA. He said that the storm tears any house apart, and a safe place like a shelter is better to go. He had to leave or be risking the infant carried in his arms.

Last Monday, the Vice President and first lady Rosario Murillo pray that everyone will be safe from danger and the country too. The first lady said that means were taken lessons learned from past storms, cited the Guardian

On the spine of the Honduras and Caribbean coast, Eta's outer rims' strong rains are causing floods with massive rainfall. Several evacuations were forced, because of the powerful weather conditions.

In the news, Honduras, Q'hubo TV counted 12 fatalities with two newborns. They died because they got trapped in San Luis, in Olanchito, Yoro.

The storm's fury is just the start, and the rain is counted in feet, not inches. Some places had 15 to 25 inches to 35 inches of rainfall. On the Nicaraguan coast, a warning was aired for 15-foot storm surges in those areas. Hurricane Eta is only one of several that has struck and cause calamity in these areas.

Related article: Hurricane Zeta Makes Landfall, Batters the Southeast and Barrels Through the Coast

Nicaragua, Honduras