A farm worker in Arizona discovered over a dozen ballots stolen from mailboxes last week at a farm.
Stolen Election Ballots Under Rocks
The Arizona Attorney General's Office (AGO) remarked on Tuesday that a farm worker found a stack of unopened mail-in ballots on Friday located near the intersection of 99th and Glendale avenues. The farm worker then reported the discovery to Glendale Police.
Glendale Police Department officials stated the worker at a farm discovered the stolen ballots in late October.
A statement released by the police on their Facebook page on November 3rd indicated that 18 early election ballots were found underneath concrete and rocks by a man named Brayan Ruiz.
A portion of the statement indicated, "He did the right thing by returning the ballots trying to ensure everyone who wanted to vote early still could vote."
According to the Glendale Police Department, Ruiz located a total of 18 ballots in a field underlying concrete and rocks. They lauded his action as positive.
Police officials remarked that the said ballots were handed over to the intended recipients on October 31 by a Glendale Police officer along with two Attorney General's Special Agents.
According to police officials with the Arizona Attorney General's Office, "Each resident said they were aware their early election ballots had not arrived. Some went in person to vote early, and others had not voted yet. We were able to distribute them in time, to provide voters the opportunity to at least fill them out at home and then drop them off to a polling location," reported FOX10.
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The Glendale Police Department's responding officers confirmed that the stolen ballots were in the pile within envelopes that remain to be sealed.
The AGO remarked that probing indicated they were stolen from individual mailboxes in a community just south of Glendale's 107th and Northern avenues.
According to AGO officials, it is probable there are more victims and the intention behind stealing the ballots is yet to be known at this point. Any person with information should report them to the AGO's Integrity Unit.
The next day, locals in the neighborhood received unexpected knocks at their door on Halloween as the ballots were returned to their intended recipients.
The police officials released footage of Ruiz explicating how he discovered the stolen ballots and their delivery to the registered voters, reported FOX News.
In order to file an election complaint, you may visit this link.
Two attorney general's special agents and one Glendale police officer participated in the delivery of the ballots.
According to police officials, "Each resident said they were aware their early election ballots had not arrived. Some went in person to vote early, and others had not voted yet."
A woman could be deciphered remarking in the footage released by the police that she wondered where her ballot was and had planned to vote in person.