Counter-Protestors Harass Trump Supporters, Burn Trump Flags, Assaulted Them After Million MAGA March

For all the success of the Million Maga March of Trump supporters, when there were few left, the counter-protesters went out to harass and terrorize the few supporters left. Left terrorists set themselves upon the pockets of Trump fans whom they attacked for practicing their rights.

The anti-Trump groups weren't letting the night pass without incident; burning Trump flags, hats, and pro-police items last Saturday night.

Before the anti-Trump mob went to attack the remnants of the MAGA groups, the supporters of President Trump flooded the rally venues to show what massive support Trump had over his opponent. Even as reports of irregularities that were endangering his chance of four more years, that can be stolen by another, reported Daily Caller.

Generally, there was no violence as the MAGA far outnumbered the Left-leaning groups. With the Million March at its height, only incidents of shouting matches as groups got hot. No violence cropped up even with the other Trump groups like the Proud Boys,

Still, the Left protestors did not pass up a chance to show their intentions. Setting MAGA hats aflame, Back the Blue flags, anything connected to the conservative side of the political spectrum.

Opposing protestors at some point disrupted Pro-Trumpers having dinner by throwing firecrackers after participating in the march, according to Shelby Talcott (Daily Caller reporter).

The Left attacks supporters of Trump without provocation

It has been a practice of the left to pick on, and gang up on small groups or individuals, on the opposite side.

Also read: Million MAGA March Starts in Washington D.C. This Saturday To Protest Election Results

A video of such a shocking incident last night when a young pro-Trump couple showed them getting accosted by the other groups. The crowd picked on the couple, threw items at them. Through the ordeal, the female was screaming in fear.

In the conclusion of the million march, the MAGA throng chanted 'USA' at the Washington Monument, which show unity for President Trump's cause. At this point, the anti-MAGA crowd would not dare do anything.

Last Saturday, there was no violence like in other instances of fisticuffs among the protestors in other protests on Saturday. Minor incidents were reported that did not impact the peace and order during height of the Million MAGA March.

Surprise of the day for MAGA supporters was the drive-by of president Trump to see his supporters during the Saturday demonstration. He went to the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia.

Electoral counts have been questioned by the Trump campaign with lawsuits that have been filed. Despite the cases filed and getting no affirmative in Georgia, Michigan and Nevada. So far, one case in Arizona is withdrawn, with Pennsylvania as the last draw.

At the moment Joe Biden has the lead, but the election official tallies will be done soon and the proclamation on January.

For the most part the Million MAGA March is a success that demonstrated the minorities and Americans were united in their course. Despite pockets of conflict during the day, it was minor until the night came.

Counter-protesters took advantage of the loosely group Trump supporters, and assaulted them in various ways that is unlawful.

Related article: Million MAGA March: Trump Supporters Show Who They Want to Be Their President