Giuliani Says Powell is not Part of Trump’s Legal Team Anymore

One of Trump's lawyers, Sidney Powell, has ceased to be part of Team Trump according to Rudy Giuliani. This was announced recently as Trump attempts to bolster the president's cases against the questionable election on November 3.

She has been the spearhead of interviews that have lobbed bombshells on the democrats' attempt to subvert the elections.

Trump's personal lawyer said that she is practicing law in her private capacity. Adding that she is not a member of Trump's legal offensive. Lastly, Powell does not represent President Trump in regards to the personal capacity, reported the Epoch Times.

On the record, the president said she was part of his legal eagles over a week ago.

Last November 19, Powell made her first appearance as a Trump campaign lawyer on his massive legal thrust. Another of the lawyers in the group is Jenna Ellis.

Since her addition to the legal team, she has been aggressively stating that the voting was compromised by none other than electronic devices in the 2020 elections. Pointing out that the culprit is the Dominion Voting Systems used in may democrat led states.

Powell insinuated that the system tampered with Trump votes, to give it the ex-VP who is has been tagged for connections to China and Ukraine. Allegations that directly tampering using devices or enabling remote hacking via a backdoor system, that was flagged before elections.

Immediately Dominion Voting Systems denied they had anything to do with the poll cheating. Despite a spokesman stating last November 22 that the cheat software has not to flip votes of Trump to his less popular challenger Joe Biden.
Also read: Sidney Powell to Prove Election Corruption Occurred, Trump Won by Landslide

One of her high-profile clients is former national security adviser Michael Flynn from 2019. He was charged in the investigation headed by special counsel Robert Mueller. To defend her client, she launched a legal bombardment to force the charges to be withdrawn against him. But, the case is yet to be presided by a federal judge in court.

One of her proofs that the Dominion Voting Systems is complicit in stealing the vote is an affidavit executed by someone. The person alleged that he saw the software used to manipulate elections for the socialist Hugo Chávez. Lawyer Lin Wood submitted the affidavit in a federal court, as part of the evidence against Dominion. Wood is one of the lawyers of the Trump campaign fighting electoral fraud.

Powell let loose a string of claims in several press conferences that were part of the Wood lawsuit. One of the claims mentions that several precincts in Democrat-led Michigan registered a false number of legal voters, were 100% or more. One blog cites the townships were not from Michigan but from Minnesota.

Last November 21, Powell said a major lawsuit that can be described as biblical will ascend on electoral officials involved with Dominion. Adding the evidence is significant, to say the least.

Rudy Giuliani has informed of Sidney Powell and her exit from the Trump team but she contributed much to the Democrats' dismay.

Related article: Attorney Lin Wood: Trump Campaign Lawyer says Trump Got 400 Electoral Votes not 232