
Facebook and Google To Be Hit by New UK Competition Rules

The government has reported that the latest technological watchdog will seek to reduce the influence of Google, Facebook, and other technology platforms to secure a level playing field for smaller rivals and a reasonable market for customers.

Under the reforms, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will acquire a specialized Digital Markets Unit, which will be encouraged to write and implement a new code of conduct for technology firms that will set limitations on appropriate behavior.

Only those businesses considered to have "strategic market status" will be covered by the code; however, it has not yet been determined what that entails or what limitations will be enforced.

The CMA aims to put pressure on internet companies eating up small companies and is expected to make comprehensive plans in December.

Advertising sales that produce revenues for Google and Facebook are progressively subject to antitrust regulation, frequently triggered by news organizations' concerns as advertising spending moves to the internet.

The CMA stated that Facebook and Google rule digital ads and are responsible for around 80 percent of the $14 billion invested in 2019.

Digital strategy

The CMA urged the government in July to grant it even more authority and established the DMU, stating that massive digital advertising channels needed to be reined in.

The watchdog said that it was worried about how tech companies like Facebook and Google are using online marketing to boost their business strategies.

Although the proposals of the CMA seemed to have a domestic scope, the watchdog has stated that the issues it had discovered were "international in nature" and that as a result of its marketing plan, it would seek to "take a leading role globally."

"Through our examination of this market, we have discovered how major online platforms like Google and Facebook operate and how they use digital advertising to fuel their business models," the chief executive of the CMA, Andrea Coscelli, stated on July 1. "What we have found is concerning - if the market power of these firms goes unchecked, people and businesses will lose out."

"Advertisers today choose from a wide range of platforms that compete with each to deliver the most effective and innovative ad formats and products," Google's vice president for the U.K. and Ireland, Ronan Harris, stated in a comment at the time.

Harris also added: "We support regulation that benefits people, businesses and society and we'll continue to work constructively with regulatory authorities and Government on these important areas so that everyone can make the most of the web."

More transparency

The government stated that corporations would have to be more open on how they utilize user data. Regulations that make it impossible to use competing platforms will be removed, adding that such regulations will also help the media industry, restructuring the publishers-platform relationship.

On Monday, the CMA stated it was reviewing whether concern over Google technology needed a formal investigation.

A group of technology and publishing firms, Marketers for an Open Web (MOW), stated that Google had been altering its Chrome browser and Chromium developer tools to grant it greater influence on advertisers and publishers.

Google claimed that advertising practices were important to respond to evolving perceptions about the collection and use of data.


Google, Facebook, Tech companies, Hngn
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