Toothache 101: Reasons Why Toothaches Happen and Every Other Reasons for It

Feeling a slight crack of pain that is felt in the gums or tooth can be most unwanted. According to the American Family Physician has shown that about 22% of adults have pain in the tooth, gums, and jaws in the last half-year.

One of the reasons why pain is felt in those places is that a tooth is hypersensitive or a cracked and infected tooth. Compared to other pains, tooth pain is treated quickly and only takes a few visits to the friendly neighborhood dentist.

These are possible causes of tooth pains that will help identify remedies and what a dentist might say. Here we go!

Hot and cold are not advised, especially for sensitive teeth.

One of the reasons for sensitive teeth is when tooth enable wears out, and nerves are exposed. Contact with hot or cold substances can aggravate the nerves' reaction that is sharp and sudden pain that varies.

When gums recede

The gums are the pink tissue covering the bone and the ends of the teeth' roots to protect it. Aging will cause gum tissue to wear down, and gums will pull back as one gets older,

If this happens, the teeth roots will be exposed that leads to gum disease and toothy infections. If teeth are more sensitive and toothaches happen, this might be caused by receding gums.

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Enamel is getting eroded.

There is an estimated 12% of people suffering from dentin hypersensitivity that causes aches when chewing down. What to watch out for is an acidic diet, hard brushing of teeth, and other factors.

Enamel covers the teeth, and it wears out because it is not replaced as aging happens. If the enamel exposes part of toothy nerves, that will be a sharp stabbing pain.

Decayed tooth

Tooth decay and cavity are some of the most probable causes why pain is felt in the teeth. Decaying teeth might not be noticed until it is too late and can get worse for anyone.

A decaying tooth is a step to infection with gradual pain till it gets really worse.

Infected gums

Another word for periodontal disease that affects 47% of over the age of 30 is called Gingivitis as the first stage, which is nearly unnoticed by many sufferers and can worsen if untreated.

Cracked teeth or a crown

Getting a tooth cracked or a crown is a source of pain and sensitivity that cannot be seen except by dental checkups.

An infected sinus

If some pain is experienced in the teeth or jaw, this signifies a sinus infection. Inflamed sinuses can put pressure on tooth nerves.

Grinding or teeth clenching is not advised

Whenever anyone grinds and clenches his/her teeth, it wears out tooth enamel and gets sensitive teeth. Remember that tooth enamel is not replaceable; getting sharp pains is not good either.

Other ways for relieving toothaches are dental procedures that save a permanent tooth as well. Another one is to avoid teeth whitening products that can cause tooth sensitivity.

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