Georgia State GOP Senators Insist Signatures of Ballot be Checked in Audit

Georgia State GOP Senators insist that signatures should be checked for audit to allay fears that election officials are hiding mass cheating. State law was overridden if DEMS connected officials and poll workers did collude to tip the votes in Biden's favor illegitimately.

Several Republican state senators have aired grievances in a Dec. 3 committee hearing on election issues that signatures were questionable in most ballots. They ask for an audit of the absentee ballots to prove that no irregularities were done.

A recount was done by the hand of the presidential votes with no signature verification. That allowed Biden to keep is his lead by 12,000 votes, reported Epoch Times. That is why the signatures are needed to be checked so the error will not be repeated.

Sen. Steve Gooch's investigation is underway where many of the voters should have been disqualified because many registered at invalid addresses. It was conveniently ignored while counting the votes. A former Trump campaign official alleged that many voted in Georgia as illegitimate voters intentionally by addressing postal facilities or businesses, but attempts to make it look like residences were questionable when voter data was scrutinized.

A record of 1.3 million absentee ballots or more was used to vote, five times the 2016 elections. On cue, the state's election authorities say that the increased number of ballots has made it harder to check them. They were citing the county registrar staffers' difficulty to check if all the signatures on the match can be referenced.

Also read: Resolution to Dispute the 2020 Pennsylvania Election Results by Republican Law Makers Recently Introduced

The process starts with the clerks matching the signature with supervision from the county election director. The staff of the state secretary then trains him.

During the hearing, state Sen. Greg Dolezal asked the counsel of the Georgia secretary of state's (SOS) office to look at the signatures and involve a third party to examine the signatures. This challenge was issued to verify if the signatures are fraudulent themselves.

Germany said that SOS might not be able to conduct the checking of signatures. He added that it was not appropriate because it was not actionable.

According to him, the Georgia secretary of state's (SOS) is looking at singular cases of absentee ballots, even though signature verification is necessary and part of the rules, no yet.

Dolezal said not all ballots are to be reviewed as the initial impression. Better to randomly select ballots from multiple counties to check if there is fraud involved that will implicate state officials.

Germany's rebuttal to the senator's point is that a match with the signature is less critical than a ballot with an official voter signing it. Dolezal said that a mismatch is a serious matter to the answer. The senator stated that a provisional ballot, not a ballot, was taken into count.

More assaults on the poll by Sen. Steve Gooch saying that one in four of Georgia ballots is absentee, the verification process is questionable. Only a person in the registrar's office with insufficient training is doubtful.

One of the Georgia state GOP senators added a scathing comment on the election's conduct that a fourth was not done by someone trained for auditing. Germany skirted the issue of signature audit and verification despite its part in more significant fraud in the state.

Related article: Michigan Poll Observer Claims Military Ballots Were Xerox Copies Marked Biden
