The press suppressed the investigation in the activities of Hunter Biden during the height of the election campaign. Information about activities that involve foreign personalities was reported calling it Russian interference, which wasn't.
Most of the evidence was there before the media suppression, which is alleged to be new as the evidence also highlights the ex-VPs activities.
The Saturday reports revealed that Joe Biden's son got on the Burisma gas company board via his connection to the Obama administration's VP. He did not include it in his tax return in 2014, reported OANN.
According to the Justice Department, the discovery of Hunter's activities was connected to Biden's time in office. This probe had been ongoing in 2018, but it was slammed as Russian disinformation by personalities and media. Big media shut it down to avoid backlash on the elections.
Last Wednesday, the investigation was combined by Hunter Biden after a U.S. attorney in Delaware. Since then, this subpoena is the only development and mentioning his connections to Burisma and Sino Hawk in China.
Attorney General William Barr got heat from President Trump for keeping the case quiet when voters needed to know. Many expressed regret that it came too late, calling it a regretful choice.
One primary argument about the AG Barr's silence is enabling Biden to deceive voters during a debate. The ex-VP said he did not know anything about his son's activities.
President Trump alleged that Barr would keep quiet and close down probes, allow DEMS to silence the facts. Many of the incoming cabinets have connections to China as well.
Also read: Hunter Biden Sex Tape is it Legit? Chinese Website Claims Footage of VP's Son Not False
A proactive measure by the president is to have a special counsel that will probe the November election.
The subpoena's exact details were about the relevant documents related to his exact function on the Burisma board. The source said that the Ukrainian gas company had interests partly why the non-experienced Biden was considered in its board.
More revelations were old news that prosecutors are asking for, with two entities linked with Hunter. One of them is Jim Biden, who is connected with a Chinese deal identified by Tony Bobulinsky.
More spotlight has come into the activities as Hunter is facing more scrutiny after his case as silenced.
A probe on the activities in Burisma in 2018 was considered money laundering but has moved to more on potential violations of tax law.
Reports that emerged of a former business partner of Hunter in Burisma sent an email in 2017. It mentioned a $400,000 payment that was not mentioned on his tax returns.
Contents of the email said that in 2014, the tax returns of 2014 need to reflect the income from the Ukrainian firm. This email is dated January 16, 2017.
During the debate when Trump struck home, Biden went full throttle when Hunter activities were zeroed in. He instead denied it vehemently, especially when it happened under his watch. Hunter Biden was mentioned in the Ukraine scandal too. That Trump was cleared.
Related article: Hunter Biden Scandal Reports Have Been on the News Only After the Election