President Trump is ready to challenge the election under protest before the electoral college convenes. He made his case clear, and the world watches how the United States deals with its worst crisis.
The incumbent has made his intentions clear. No way will the electoral fraud in DEMS bailiwicks be allowed to determine the election.
The president has finally resolved to challenge the result of the most insecure U.S. elections; as a result, has defied the explanation that Joe Biden had more votes. Before the convening of the electoral college where electors will cast their votes for the next executive in chief of U.S., reported Epoch Times.
He wrote on Twitter a series of posts that state that the swing states have sponsored abetted fraud and took away voter's rights. Many of them cannot legally accept these votes as legal and not committing a very punishable crime.
He cited that there were too many votes that were unexplained and can only be interpreted as voter fraud. The states that sponsored this massive effort to flip votes for Trump and disregard valid ballots to give Biden an unfair lead. They are Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia who electoral leaders are complicit with the Democrats.
A total of 538 electors will be in state legislatures to place their votes for the next U.S. president on Monday. Trump and his allies have filed suit after suit to cancel the election results. A goal is to stop the electors from declaration electoral results from cheating and irregularities that were given proof.
Also read: Michigan Poll Observer Claims Military Ballots Were Xerox Copies Marked Biden
Many of the courts disregarded the affidavits under perjury and expert witnesses that were ignored despite the merits. Only a few allowed them their requests to do what is needed to be done.
During the cases and senate inquiries, the Trump team's expert witnesses demonstrate that many illegal votes were cast in the elections. Another finding shows the swing states violated many state elections codes, and the U.S. Constitution is violated by those responsible for fraud.
But worse is that those officials maneuvering the election to the now controversial ex-VP is denied. Media is, and its members discredit the allegations without checking, calling them baseless.
Court has denied the cases against procedure like if anyone can bring a lawsuit, lack of jurisdiction over the claim, or the case was considered moot. Others do not believe in the case, even with mountains of evidence available to decide.
A case filed by Texas's state against the swing states filed in the supreme court earlier this week had this result. They were denied to sue the erring states with their fraud-ridden elections. The U.S. Supreme Court even rejected their claim of numerous Constitution violations and violated voters' rights. In their eyes, Joe Biden never won and is poised to be an illegitimate president.
On December 11, the supreme court calls the state of Texas's request as a lack of legal standing. Other recommendations are for states to have their electors that have been denied.
The Trump campaign senior adviser Jenna Ellis has previously told Newsmax that January 6 is the final counting of votes despite the possible electoral college fallout.
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