How to Manage Anger and Not to Give in to Explosive Temper

Best Tips to Manage Anger and How not to Give in to Explosive Temper
Getting furious is normal and these tips to manage anger will go far, for most hot heads. Just remember that anger does not help anyone especially the one feeling it. Wendy Corniquet/Pixabay

Getting furious is normal, and these tips to manage anger will go far for most hot heads. Just remember that anger does not help anyone, especially the one feeling it.

Anger is one of the most negative emotions; better, it be stopped. But not everyone can pull anger that should be tempered.

One of those things that drive most to the edge is for anyone prone to it that should be controlled. Anger let loose carries consequences that might be of regret. Having enough is normal, but too much can be self-destructive. Casualties will be health and relationships, both personal, familial, and professional also.

Here are some tips that will help the hot head keep their cool. Remember, it does not hurt to try, instead much to gain. Here it goes.

Think with your brain, not speak with emotion.

When things don't go your way, shut up, and consider what will follow next. It is better to pull-back and think about what to do next. If anything that is said or done turns out bad, then it will be difficult if everything goes sorely wrong. Think!

One should be calm or wait.

A mind cleared of anger will allow clarity, like frustration is shown assertively but not picking a fight. Talk to the object of your anger and discuss to reach an agreement. Never seek control or assert too much it will not be worth it.

Anger needs an outlet.

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Stress is one factor that caused anger; one way is a physical activity that allows a person to move about and feel more relaxed. If anger or anxiety comes along, do exercise that goes a long way.

Have some "me" time, and take a break.

Everyone is busy with something, and a kid break will do wonders for anybody. Try to talk about a gap in what is done and be laidback. Time to relax helps everyone feel less pressure and stress-free.

Forget what angers you and work on what can be helped!

Getting worked up over getting mad is not very smart, better to find a solution to the problem that eliminates it. Better to reason out and think instead of going ballistic. Never forget anger is never a solution.

Never use 'You' when speaking.

The blame game is ugly and will make things worst! If 'you' is used, then it is a blame game that will get nowhere. Use 'I' to keep the peace is better. Start statements with I need to talk, not you need to speak. Be diplomatic.

Forget grudges that can be destructive or worse.

Learn to forgive a grudge that festers and builds negative emotions in people once it consumes anyone that will not be healthy and give ulcers. Forgiving is harder than hating, be better!

Feeling the urge to do something regretful? Don't.

Humor will help manage any situation and improve for the best. But sarcasm can be hurtful to others.

Relax and take a deep breath.

Take up yoga and brush up on relaxation tips for a healthier you.

Ask for help if needed.

At times to manage anger is a stretch for some individuals. If that is the case, seek help.

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Mental health