In the last phase to demand clean elections, Pro-Trump Protest Organizers have given out new details on the elections' main event. Last weekend, this was announced to prep Trump loyalists on the day stolen Elections 2020 will be returned to the American people.
Organization for the Trump organizers who will plan a big congregation for on January 6 when Congress convenes. Many of these Trump supporters believe the elections are rigged with all the fraud scattered in Democrat bailiwicks.
According to Amy Kremer, one of the "March for Trump" organizers is planning the event. Will hold it at The Ellipse, a 52-acre park south of the White House, reported The Epoch Times.
She posted on Twitter the planned location that it was just a stone's throw away from the White House. Adding that everyone must reach the place early, all the doors open at 7 a.m.
Several groups are expected to be part of the Pro-Trump that will merge into a more significant event on the day planned. The importance of gathering is that it will be one of the most significant gatherings in modern times.
According to the media, the elections are one of the cleanest that pro-Democrat bailiwicks are touting it far from reality when Dominion Voting systems have adjudicated massive numbers of votes to generate more votes for Biden dishonestly.
These pro-Trump protest organizers are keen to support Trump and show the media and establishment that it is unacceptable to steal the vote. Much evidence is that states like Georgia cheated on the election 2020 returns.
Also read: Newt Gingrich on 2020 Elections: The Worst Since 1824, States Should Demand Recount
March For Trump issued a statement condemning the Democrats wanting to ruin the elections by allowing rightful votes to be shifted to the controversial ex-VP. They argue that everything lawful will restore faith in a broken election causes by the DEMS.
No one believes the narrative that forgetful Biden was able to defeat Trump at the polls. On election day, Trump led in Democrat states but later lost a massive number of votes due to vote to tamper. On election day, glitches were experienced where Dominion voting terminals are used.
Trump signified joining the protests to support his loyalists, who will back up the quest for clean elections. A total number of 1.5 million people will be a possibility, said the organizers.
On the day, "Stop the Steal' will have numbers of Trumpers in The Ellipse at 9 a.m., as a gathering point to move into the Capitol Building to witness the fate of the USA on January 1.
The "Stop the Steal" movement told people to gather in The Ellipse at 9 a.m. before moving to the U.S. Capitol building at 1 p.m. on January 6.
Lead organizer of the "Stop the Steal" movement, Ali Alexander, said the group applied pressure to 11 more Republican senators. Deciding to deny the false electoral votes endorsing Biden in Congress. In Congress's halls will be the last chance to do away with socialism and regain America again.
Alexander hailed all the efforts of the group as a success on Periscope video last Saturday. He added that Congress could not allow the fraudulent electoral votes to pass! Joining the Stop the Steal is Arizona Republican Chairwoman Kelli Ward.
Election 2020 may be salvaged by the Pro-Trump protest organization to force lawmakers to recognize the will of the people.
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