As the alleged rape-slay case of the 23-year-old flight attendant from the Philippines continues to be a hot topic on social media, leaked images from the initial autopsy report conducted on the victim surfaced.
The report stated that the victim died due to a ruptured aortic aneurysm on the thoracic aorta. The said condition happened when a blood vessel, in this case, the thoracic aorta suddenly burst.
Facebook user, Emma Rueda, posted the images of the autopsy report on her account.
No indication of semen, means no semen was found. Lacerations in the vagina are healed which means it was from before. HERE’S THE OFFICIAL AUTOPSY REPORT. Now you guys can figure out what happened Posted by Emma Rueda on Tuesday, January 5, 2021
However, Dacera's family stated through a spokesman that they sought a second autopsy of the victim in order to challenge the results of the initial autopsy, which they described was incomplete.
During a press briefing, one of the lawyers from Dacera's camp, Paolo Tuliao stated that they are disputing the findings of the SOCO (Scene of the Crime Operatives) where they claimed that the victim's death was caused by an aneurysm, CNN Philippines reported.
Tuliao further stated that there were bruises and hematoma that were found on Dacera's body that were not seen on the post mortem report, prompting the family to seek another autopsy from an independent medico-legal.
In addition, Brick Reyes, the family's spokesman said that they took photos of the victim's injuries in order to prove that there was lacking information on the initial autopsy.
Meanwhile, it can be noted that in earlier reports, Makati Police Chief Col. Harold Depositar claimed that there were traces of semen found on Dacera's body. However, the said information is not included in the autopsy report, but it did specify that deep healed lacerations and an abrasion was found on the victim's genitalia.
Reyes further added that the injuries that the 23-year-old sustained on her arms and legs are already enough evidence in establishing a probable cause for rape. Moreover, he also claimed that the crime was probably set up since one of the suspects is friends with the manager of the hotel where the New Year's Eve party happened.
Dacera's family and lawyers refused to make any comments about Reyes' allegations.
Read also: Death of Flight Attendant Causes Online Outrage, Sparks Talks on 'Rape Culture,' 'Victim Blaming'
Family Eyes Lawsuit Against Hotel for Violating COVID-19 Protocols
On the other hand, Dacera's family has also expressed their intentions to file charges against the management of the hotel where the New Year's Eve party was held for violating COVID-19 protocols.
According to ABC-CBN News, during the press briefing, Reyes stated that the City Garden Grand Hotel in Makati City breached COVID-19 protocols by allowing a certain number of people inside its rooms.
He further added that allowing many people inside the hotel room is a clear violation of the rules set by the IATF (Inter-Agency Task Force on COVID-19 response) for the operation of hotels.
Reyes also stated that there are many loose ends on the case that they want to tie in order to uncover more facts about the case.
Suspect Comes Forward
Meanwhile, one of the suspects for the alleged rape-slay of Dacera, Gregorio Angelo de Guzman came forward and denied the allegations of rape.
In a report by GMA News, they stated that de Guzman, who is a son of a Filipina singer, Claire de la Fuente, stated that he was gay and has never engaged in intercourse with the opposite sex all his life and insisted that he never laid a finger on the victim.
De Guzman also stated that he was one of those who found Dacera unconscious in the tub and rushed her to the hospital.
Related article: Flight Attendant Brutally Dies Allegedly From the Hands of Friends on New Year's Eve