The suppression of intel about Chinese interference in the 2020 US Election was intentional. CIA and levels of government against the current administration was responsible for it.
During the 2020 electoral, allegation of Chinese manipulation was shut down when Russian intervention claims are alleged with support in some government sectors.
According to Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe, who assessed it, China, not Russia, who dipped their fingers into the US elections, in a letter to a DEMS majority congress, reported NTD.
The letter addressed by the DNI Director to the lower house did not mince any words. Indicating the Central Intelligence Agency played politics when it intentionally pressures analysts to pull support on Chinese spying.
In a report by Intelligence Community Analytic Ombudsman Barry Zulauf, Ratcliffe pointed out that some analysts refrained from punctuating China's sabotage of free elections. Prompted by the vehement opposition of the communists in Beijing, Donald Trump weaponized US policies for American gain.
Previously China has made inroads like the alleged activities of a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang, who operated at the behest of the CCP.
One of the reasons for the Intelligence agencies' actions is their unilateral dislike of President Trump.
The Washington Examiner published Ratcliffe's letter with the ombudsman report on Jan. 17, after issuing original documents ten days later. Outlets like the Epoch Times reached out to the ODNI for authentication of said documents. The CIA's involvement in keeping a lid on the 2020 US Election is dubious.
Also read: Democrats Attack Trump Intel Chief Decision to Protect Election Security Raised Subpoena Option
Stated by the DNI Director, all sources of information (alleged Chinese meddling) were examined and verified without any political pressure to determine the ODNI's judgment. The People's Republic of China actively meddled in US affairs to negate a possible outcome.
Zulauf's report was sent to Congress on Jan. 7 with an intelligence community assessment of interference that gave intel recommendations about recent elections. Zulauf cited that analysts that looked over Russian and Chinese activity weren't using a unified standard for recommendations.
Even if the evidence pointed to China, scant indicators that Russian was less active given more weight. They avoided pinning China for suspicious activities.
Analysts, according to Zulauf, sought to avoid labeling Chinese actions as meddling or influencing. One reason alleged is these analysts did not want to pin the CCP because they preferred to undercut the administration and its policies. This should not have been the case, but those concerned chose to ignore the president's anti-China policy.
Ratcliffe or the Ombudsman has not fully explained some clarification about how far Beijing interfered. An interview request for Zuluaf was turned to the ODNI, which hasn't answered back yet.
Overall, the analytic ombudsman's report examines the politicized nature of Russia, but mostly Chinese meddling.
Zulauf said that any political agenda do not color both the intelligent community leaders and analysts. It is the agency affiliations and the opposition of DEMS to the Trump administration. Without it, the reports would be more unified.
Analysts assessing Russia as the culprit for the 2020 US Election complained the intelligence community management was not confident of the report. Feared government clients might view the actions of the CIA as suppressive and politically biased.
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