Court-packing by Biden Administration proponents can be done. Senator Moore moves by forwarding a constitutional amendment before it can be. Packing the court was one of the questions asked during the debate, but now the answer is obvious.
In the presidential debates, court-packing was one of the many issues President Trump's opponent did not answer. Court-packing is a practice of filling up the Supreme Court with judges partial to the administration. This is not acceptable in a democratic state.
According to Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), the legislation was on the floor on January 22 to keep the Supreme Court's cap to only nine justices. Some sectors are not complacent if the current DEMS administration will not attempt to add more Democrat inclined personalities in America's highest court, reported the Epoch Times.
How can the amendment be ratified?
It is a significant task to amend the constitution. The amendment must go over two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress and be passed by about 38 or 50 states as a permanent part of the US Constitution. That is a big 'if', should the DEMS in control allow it to pass.
After then, President Trump's nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative constitutionalist nominee, got confirmed as SCOTUS. She is the replacement of the liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away in September last year.
Democrats promised to pack the courts for Barrett's nomination.
Choosing Barrett in 2020 made many DEMS angry, who argued it was inappropriate. The Merrick Garland precedent, did not sit well in 2016. After the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016, the GOP Senate majority did not consider Obama's pick to the supreme court. Senator Moore and her bill is one way to keep in check and stop court-packing by Biden Administration moves.
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Biden allegedly considered packing the courts in the campaign period but did not answer, saying a national commission will examine a functional court system; he claims an overhaul.
Last October, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) also suggested that more judges are needed because of more Americans in the population. She insists that more justices are required in the supreme court.
Before the November election, DEMS were vocal about the GOPS double standard for the eventual nomination of Trump's choice. The Barrett nomination prompted a get back from DEMS, who said they would add more justices. Some sectors have the opinion that having alleged left-leaning liberal judges will pass without notice.
Sen. Moore got support from other Republicans, who sponsored the proposed bill. They are Senators Marco Rubio, Kevin Cramer, Marsha Blackburn, Todd Young, Mitt Romney, Mike Crapo, and others. It was seen on the floor in Congress last March 25, 2019, but was not passed.
Ted Cruz and Fellow GOP anti-court packing bill
October last year, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and five other Senate Republicans also introduced their interpretation of anti-court packing. The goal is to stop a packed court with democrat leaning justices should the democrats win. The suggested amendment states that only nine justices will be allowed in the Supreme Court.
Cruz forewarned that if the DEMS win in their plan, they will be eliminating the filibuster and pack the court, which will destroy America's democracy.
Senator Moore and her resurrected amendment is another move by the GOP to stop court-packing by Biden Administration adherents, which is detrimental to democracy.
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