Terrorist Responsible for Beheading Daniel Pearl Set Free by Pakistani Court
(Photo : Photo/Getty Images)
Daniel Pearl's Kidnappers Sentenced
UNDATED PHOTO: This undated photo shows Daniel Pearl, a Wall Street Journal newspaper reporter kidnapped by Islamic militants in Karachi, Pakistan. The Wall Street Journal announced February 21, 2002 that Pearl has been confirmed dead, presumably murdered by his abductors. The British-born Islamic militant Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh was sentenced to death July 15, 2002 by a Pakistani court for the kidnap and death of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Three accomplices were sentenced to life imprisonment.

The terrorist convicted for the beheading of Daniel Pearl was acquitted by a Pakistani Court. This decision comes as a shock to many people and his family the most.

Islamic extremists have been responsible for many heinous crimes. One of their preferred methods is broadcasting their horrendous acts.

In Pakistan, the Supreme Court last Thursday instructed jailers to let free a terrorist who cut off the head of the American journalist, Pearl. The Pakistani court and its order did not sit well with the Pearl family's counsels, reported the Epoch Times.

The terrorist who killed the journalist

According to the reports, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh is the primary individual for the kidnapping and murder of the American in 2002. Pearl was working for the Wall Street Journal when he was beheaded and slain. Ahmed was cleared by all the three judges in the panel that presided over his case,

According to Reuters, provincial advocate general Salman Talibuddin said the acquittal went down in the case. But, the decision laid down by the Pakistan Supreme Court was challenged by their Attorney General. In the statement, the journalist was abducted in Ahmad in a southern Pakistani province called Sindh. The AG said a petition will be submitted to the court to rethink if the terrorist should be set free.

Details of the Daniel Pearl Abduction and case

Soon after the Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked the U.S., Pearl, then 38, was in Karachi doing his profession.

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He was investigating Islamic Terrorists in Karachi when he was kidnapped by the convicted Ahmad. Soon after a video was released by the terrorist cell several weeks later, in the video he was beheaded.

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh with his accomplices to be released if they are not part of any other case, which was decided by the panel head. Justice Mushir Alam state these orders in court order releasing the killers of Pearl.

A year ago, what is supposed to be a death Penalty for Ahmad was converted into a life sentence for him. The other three suspects were acquitted for no evidence to ties them to the brutal murder,

Sources say that the U.S. government and the parents of Pearl asked the Supreme Court of Pakistan to give Ahmad the death penalty. But he was still set free because it denied their pleas last Thursday.

Shock as Ahmed Sheikh is a free man

Faisal Siddiqi, the counsel for the Pearl's told an outlet the family could not believe the decision. He added that it would not deter the search for justice for Daniel.

More remarks 

The U.S. government mention that Ahmad will be sought after if he cannot be jailed, as the U.S. is not on good terms with Pakistan. Getting Ahmad convicted will depend on the decisiveness of the new administration.

Still, experts defend the decision by the Pakistan court is correct with a flawed case against the suspect.

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