Bodycam videos of police officers who responded in a family dispute in the upstate New York City has been released, displaying officers while they used the cops pepper spray on a 9-year-old girl.
Among the videos released showed a distraught youngster running from the police, but dropped to the snow-covered ground while a cop chases her to bring her back.
In a second footage, the 9-nine-year-old girl can be seen screaming that he wants her dad.
She also shouted that she wants her dad and she will not get in the police car until she will be seeing her dad.But an officer orders her to stop what she was doing.
Instead of following the order, the girl instead yelled and asked the officers to get the snow off her and added that she wants her dad. She even demanded the police if she can see her dad.
But the cop responded at her at one point during the lengthy ordeal that either she stop or she will be hurting herself.
Moreover, a female officer can also be heard in the video telling the 9-year-old that she will find her father but in the meantime, she needs to get inside the police car to stay warm, USA Today reported.
Instead of feeling some comfort, the movie just made the girl screaming again.
The Turning Point
According to the New York Post, as the lengthy ordeal continues, a cop just started to spray her at this point and can be seen spraying the girl.
After the cops pepper-sprayed the girl, she then can be heard screaming and asking for help to wipe her eyes.
During a press conference of the city on Sunday, Rochester Deputy Police Chief Andre Anderson shared that the 9-year-old girl was suicidal. After the press conference, the said footages were then released.
The Rochester Deputy Police Chief also mentioned that a 9-year-old girl indicated that she wanted to kill herself and she wanted to kill her mom, the Democrat & Chronicle reported.
The mother of the nine-year-old girl who was not identified can be seen in the video arguing with her daughter. But the girl became increasingly agitated while her mother berates her. She can also be seen cursing at passing motorists.
On Saturday, the police released a statement mentioning that the actions of the girl prompted a 'required' action from an officer in taking her to the ground as she disobeyed commands in putting her in the car.
It also mentioned in the statement that the cop pepper-sprayed the minor because it is for her safety and due to the request of the custodial parent who is present on the scene.
Moreover, the 9-year-old child whom the cop pepper-sprayed was then handcuffed and put in the back of a police car as they waited for an ambulance to arrive.
On the other hand, Police Chief Cynthia Herriott-Sullivan shared on Sunday that she is not going to stand there and tell the public it is okay for a cop paper spray to be used on a 9-year-old because it is not.
The police chief then stated that she will ensure that these things will not happen again. Even Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren was disturbed by the footage because of the way the police handled the young girl.