If you are concerned that you are hurt or sick and unable to go to work, you might be wondering how you will make ends meet. If you use up all of your sick and vacation days, you might have trouble paying your rent, covering your mortgage, or putting food on the table. That is where short-term disability claims can be helpful. According to Hamilton Personal Injury Lawyers, "Short-term disability is a type of disability income insurance that provides periodic payments to a disabled claimant when he or she is unable to work because of a chronic illness or injury." At the same time, not every injury or illness is going to qualify for short-term disability. What are some of the most common short-term disability claims that might be approved?
One of the most common reasons why people file a short-term disability claim is a pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you might not be able to return to work during your last trimester. Or, you might experience complications during delivery that could extend beyond your typical maternity leave. You might be able to file a short-term disability claim that can help you cover your expenses while you cannot work.
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Another common reason why people end up filing a short-term disability claim has to do with musculoskeletal injuries. Specifically, injuries affecting the back, the spine, the hips, and the knees are common reasons people might be interested in short-term disability. There are numerous reasons why someone might have suffered a back injury. Some people might have a herniated disc. Other people might have something called degenerative disc disease. Other individuals might have suffered a severe knee injury that needs to be surgically repaired. And all of these cases, it might be a little while before someone can return to work. During the recovery process, filing a short-term disability claim can help cover some of the expenses and lost income.
Mental Health Disorders
There are some situations where individuals may be able to file a short-term disability claim mental health issues. Some of the most common mental health issues include depression and anxiety. Some of the signs that someone might be suffering from depression include changes in sleep habits, changes in appetite, weight changes, and a loss of enjoyment and activities that used to bring pleasure and joy. Anxiety can also cause people to have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, going to work, and keeping up with everything they have to do. It is crucial to address mental health issues, including taking some time off from work. This is another situation in which filing a short-term disability claim might be helpful. It is critical for anyone suffering from mental health issues to meet with a trained mental health provider.
File a Short Term Disability Claim
These are just a few of the many reasons why you might file a short-term disability claim. If you are worried that you are sick or injured and unable to return to work, know that you have options available. If you are concerned about your current coverage, look into short term disability insurance online. If you file a short-term disability claim, you might be able to make ends meet until you can go back to work. Not every short-term disability claim is going to be approved. Therefore, make sure that you work with a trained professional who can guide you through the process of filing a short-term disability claim.