House Democrats Pass Budget Resolution To Clear Path for Approval of Biden’s $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Package

President Biden And VP Harris Meet With GOP Senators To Discuss American Rescue Plan
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 01: U.S. President Joe Biden (Center R) and Vice President Kamala Harris (Center L) meet with 10 Republican senators, including Mitt Romney (R-UT), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and others, in the Oval Office at the White House February 01, 2021 in Washington, DC. The senators requested a meeting with Biden to propose a scaled-back $618 billion stimulus plan in response to the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package Biden is currently pushing in Congress. Getty Images/Doug Mills-Pool

Democrats passed a budget resolution on February 5, initiating a partisan vote later this month on President Joe Biden's COVID-19 relief package.

The House of Representatives approved the resolution on a vote of 219-209.

Biden's $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Package

Lawmakers approved a budget outline that will enable them to muscle Joe Biden's plan through in the coming weeks without GOP support.

According to Biden and top Democrats, they want to implement the massive aid package as swiftly as possible to beat back the novel coronavirus pandemic that has recorded over 450,000 fatalities in the United States and left millions unemployed, reported FBC News.

Biden underscored the urgency to enact the package, "This is about people's lives. This is not just about numbers, this is about people's lives," reported Yahoo News.

Hours following the Senate's approval of a budget plan with amendments in a pre-dawn vote on Friday, the House approved it as well, allowing Democrats to push the massive aid bill through Congress with or without Republican support.

Biden stated that he was open to compromise with Republicans so long as they do not slow things down.

"So I am going to act. And I am going to act fast. I'd like to be, I'd like to be doing it with support of Republicans, I've met with Republicans, with some very fine people who want to get something done. But they are just not willing to go as far as I think we have to go."

In the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote for the first time.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi foretold the final COVID-19 relief legislation could pass Congress before March 15, when special unemployment benefits mounted amid the pandemic expire.

Underscoring on speed, Biden signaled that he was resigned to his minimum-wage hike not being included in the bill. He remarked that it is not going to transpire due to the rules of the United States Senate.

The two Congress chambers have now passed a budget resolution. This is a key procedural step that sets up the capacity for Democrats to pass the president's sweeping $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package without the threat of a filibuster from Republicans who are against the package.

The House passed the resolution on Friday, reported CNN.

The fiscal 2021 budget resolution allocates room for a maximum of $1.9 trillion in deficit spending in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in accordance with Biden's appeal.

The budget plan's adoption allows Democrats to use the reconciliation process, under which legislation could pass the Senate with a simple majority instead of the common 60-vote threshold to end debate.

There were no Republicans who voted for the resolution. Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine) joined the Republicans in voting against the relief package.

Biden remarked that ongoing weakness in the job market, emphasized by data released on Friday, proves the need for firm action.

The GOP has floated a $600 billion aid package, which is less than one-third of the Democratic plan's size.

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