The U.S. Air Force wants to protect the B-2 Bomber from other than physical attacks like those from energy attack that includes EMP. Shield their systems will keep them flying even in adverse conditions.
Stealth bombers are good at what they do, but they can be susceptible to energy attacks like an electromagnetic pulse. It can knock out the complex electronics of this one-of-a-kind bomber.
USAF wants it magnetic pulse proof
It is ensuring that its stealth bomber fleets can attack and infiltrate enemy territory with no fear. The USAF sees hardening it from electromagnetic pulse is essential, especially if it is a directed attack on the bomber. The government is looking for contractors who can shield electronic systems, reported Military.
Air Force Wants to Harden the B-2 Bomber to Withstand an EMP Attack
— Oriana Pawlyk (@Oriana0214) February 22, 2021
Last month, the Air Force Materiel Command ask if there were specific companies with this kind of expertise. What the command need is technologies that can be used to keep crucial electronics shielded at all times. The B-2s will be called in for surgical strikes and bombing close to or inside enemy territory.
Brian Brackens, a spokesman for the bomber program, describes the upgrading of the stealth bomber's equipment systems. Considerations covered by protecting the Bomber are to keep the nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) capacities intact.
Magnetic pulses will be weaponized
Advance military technology owned by the U.S. is a deadly asset, especially the B-1 Bomber, heavily dependent on complex systems. Usually, EMP will be produced from nuclear explosions caused by America's adversaries' attacks that can knock out Stealth bomber systems.
One danger is China that will attack the U.S. when its most vulnerable, but some argue the nuclear blast will be just as worse as an EMP pulse that will take out power grids. When the power grids go out, so would unprotect electronics. This is where the contractor comes to protect the bomber systems.
Another source of EMP is natural world geomagnetic storms that generate this magnetic energy. Bombers on mission or after releasing payload will need protection from it.
Ex-President Donald Trump devise measures to develop technologies and means to combat any electromagnetic pulses or attacks that will be deployed. Sign an executive order that instructed agencies to find a way to protect facilities from EMP attacks. Emphasis will be on power grid stations and military equipment and installations.
from magnetic energy attacks of several kinds. Adversaries are trying to find ways to bypass this kind of protection for the Bomber. When added, these upgrades will help keep stealthy and still flying even in areas with an anti-access/area denial environment.
Stealth bomber gets more dangerous
The upgrades planned for the deep penetration bomber will give it more punch as a weapon system. To keep the edge over its adversaries, the changes are kept top secret by the Air Force. Few countries have the resources and technology to build such a weapons system.
The USAF has 20 of the B-2 Bomber types in their arsenal; the B-21 Raider will replace them. By 2025, the first B-21s will be ready for service but only until then. USAF will begin retiring the B-2 by 2032 slowly, though, and the B-21 will replace them.