GIRLS SPOILER ALERT: Does Episode 5 Foreshadow Hannadam's Relationship?

In episode four of Girls, Hannah finds out her e-book editor has died and in consumed with worry about whether her career is going to be put on hold because of it instead of mourning his death, making the guys around her point out how self-obsessed she is.

Episode four analyzed how all the characters besides Adam, Ray and maybe Shoshanna don't really deal with death, while an invisible wedge began to create itself between Hannah and adam.

Episode five continues to highlight how these self-obsessed characters deal with death, and in the first couple of minutes Hannah has mentioned how many powerful people were at the funeral, and that she wouldn't leave until making eye contact with one of them, but now one true mournful expression.

Hannah even asks David's mourning wife for a new publisher after she told Hannah all of David's projects were being dropped. Nice Hannah, real nice.

Jessa thinks a job in a children's clothing store will give her the "touch of innocence" she believes she needs to turn her life around, and goes for it. Will she get it? Probably. Because Jessa gets everything.

The most important part of episode five's plot is the increasing tensions between Adam, Carolyn his sister and Hannah. As the brother and sister argue, Hannah comes out to announce she needs quiet, and then tells her roomies she has a new meeting, clearly not paying attention to the real issues at hand between the siblings.

Hannah's self-obsession is clearly symbolic in the scene where Hannah takes it upon herself to remedy Adam and Carolyn's relationship and begins with asking both of them to tell her hey love her, leading Adam to ask, "Why are we telling you we love you?"

In the last couple minutes of the episode, Adam comes home while Hannah is lying on the couch with at least five beer bottles in front of her after finding out her book might not be allowed to be published for three years, and fights with Carolyn due to her pent up emotions about everything and everyone.

Hannah tells him she's kicked out Carolyn, and that she did it for him, to make him happy. Adam is not pleased and simply walks out of the house with his keys, probably to go look for Carolyn. Is this a foreshadowing of where their relationship is headed?