A Bath & Body Works brawl video between customers and store employees has gone viral after capturing netizens' attention. After a disagreement with a customer and Scottsdale Bath & Body Works' employees turned into a full-on brawl inside the store, two women who have yet to be identified were charged Saturday.
Two Women Charged in Bath & Body Works Brawl
In a statement by Scottsdale Police Department spokesperson, Sgt. Kevin Quon, the disagreement was not related to race or mask-wearing. He further explained that it was about someone cutting the line.
According to Genevieve Denslow, the woman who shared the Bath & Body Works brawl video with The Arizona Republic; the brawl started after a heated exchange between two women who got too close to one another. The other woman reportedly had a child with her.
Denslow stated that she was shopping when she heard the commotion, prompting her to go to that side of the store. She added a woman who was wearing black threw a bag at an African American lady, which started all the hitting, pushing, and fighting. As of 6 PM on Sunday, the Bath & Body Works brawl video that Denslow took became viral and had 8.5 million views.
Video shows Bags thrown and hairs pulled
Another video of the incident was taken with the fight already happening. The video showed three employees telling a woman to leave the store premises. It then showed another woman walking up to the scene and yelling. A third person also joined the altercation and called the first woman a "trailer park trash."
Amid the brawl inside the Scottsdale Bath & Body Works, the shop employees tried to separate the women. However, the second woman threw her bag and hit an employee in the face, adding fuel to the fire, New York Post reported.
Another employee tried to push the first woman out of the store and led her away from the fight. However, the woman grabbed the hair of the employee and ripped-off her mask.
While the woman was pulling the employee's hair, another employee joined the brawl and pulled the woman attacking her colleague down by the neck, TMZ reported.
The two female suspects are now facing criminal charges due to the Scottsdale Bath & Body Works brawl. However, Bath & Body Works refused to comment and told people to go to their parent company L Brands, for a statement.
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State representative uses brawl to promote the anti-mask bill
Meanwhile, despite several witnesses and police stating that the brawl inside the Scottsdale Bath & Body Works was not related to masks, Scottsdale's state Rep. Joseph Chaplik, a Republican, said that the enforcement of mask mandates put the employees in danger.
Chaplik then used the incident to outline House Bill 2770, which he proposed. The bill would let the businesses have a say on how they would enforce masks mandates.
During the discussion of his proposed bill in the house, Chaplik compared the COVID-19 pandemic to the AIDS scare back in the '80s, Tucson.com reported.
Scottsdale Fashion Square's management also declined any request for comments about the brawl inside the Scottsdale Bath & Body Works on Monday.