After crowds gathered in Miami Beach in Florida over the weekend, the incident resulted in the injury of two police officers and 100 arrested spring breakers.
Spring Breakers Arrested in Miami Beach
Miami Beach Police posted on their Twitter account that they have arrested 30 individuals on Saturday night, following the unruly crowds on Friday night that resulted in two officers of the Miami Beach Police being sent to the hospital with injuries. In another tweet, the police department mentioned that the incident on Friday night involved a large crowd that was disorderly and surrounding officers.
According to CNN, The Miami Beach police officers are working on 12-hour shifts. In their tweet, the police department mentioned that they used pepper balls in dispersing other individuals aside from the arrested spring breakers.
Moreover, Veronica Payssé, the city of Miami Beach spokeswoman stated on Sunday that on the approximately 100 arrested spring breakers, they were able to seize not only weapons but also drugs. Payssé also shared that the Spring break issues are typical for each year's crowds, but during a pandemic and with Covid-19 protocols imposed, it made the task policing twice as hard, Business Insider reported.
The city of Miami Beach spokeswoman also shared that the state of Florida does not allow local jurisdictions to fine individuals for violating mask orders, and the city can only offer free masks in hoping that its people will wear them as part of safety measures against coronavirus. The state of Florida is a popular spring break destination, and on a yearly basis, its beaches have been packed.
In addition, Dan Gelber, the Miami Beach Mayor shared on Saturday morning that they saw too much spring break activity. Gelber also added that they saw too much spring break activity. He also admitted that they got a problem with too many people coming in their city, and another problem with too many individuals to let loose, New York Daily News reported.
Aside from his concerns over the arrested spring breakers, the mayor also added that it is a very challenging task to do.
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'A little crazy'
In the northern portion of the state, in Clearwater Beach in Pinellas County, numerous beachgoers were trying to factor in the pandemic. Jamin Stuhr, who is a visitor from the state of Iowa shared that he understood how individuals could forget regarding the pandemic but in the case of his and his friends, they are trying to remind themselves always.
The visitor from the state of Iowa also added that it is just important to keep everyone safe especially that people are now more prone on getting it and getting really sick from it. He also added that their groups were wearing masks while roaming on the streets of the city and they are staying with their own group.
Meanwhile, a local resident, Tanya Landry, shared that she was setting up her chair in order to keep social distancing on the beach and to avoid crowds. She also added during the start of the anticipated event in their area, they are staying away from bars and crowds as most of the people do not have their masks on just like in the case of those arrested spring breakers.