Trump on H.R. 1 Election Reform Bill: Disaster for the US; Made for Democrats

Trump on H.R. 1 Election Reform Bill is a Disaster for US
American Conservative Union Holds Annual Conference In Florida ORLANDO, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 28: Former U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in the Hyatt Regency on February 28, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Begun in 1974, CPAC brings together conservative organizations, activists, and world leaders to discuss issues important to them. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

On Tuesday, former President Trump said that the H.R. 1 Election Reform Bill would benefit Democrats. The Republican Party opposes this bill because it alters the voting process and is a nightmare for conservatives.

Many Republicans see the bill as a blatant power grab by Democrats. It will obliterate protections for a fair election.

Trump on H.R. 1 Election Reform Bill

Trump called the House Democrats' bill and its provisions "very questionable." Parts of the bill, such as voter registration, would encourage illegals to vote for the DEMS. There are some parts of the campaign reforms that are deceptive.

According to Trump, the Democrats want and will wreak havoc on all future elections. The Republicans, as well as those who value integrity, were urged to oppose the Democrats.

Last March 3, the House passed a bill that is unpopular among Republicans due to partisan voting. States will be forced to relinquish their independence to the Biden administration. The Act for the People, or H.R. 1, will override state laws.

States are being forced to follow federal requirements for state voting procedures across the country. Federal officers can use it to override safeguards to prevent voter fraud.

It was a Democrat-sponsored disaster waiting to happen, Trump said in an interview. To Fox News' Maria Bartiromo, he discussed many issues that he considered to be governance disasters.

He slammed Joe Biden's failed immigration policies as well as the handling of the COVID-19. He hinted at a presidential run in 2024 once more.

The H.R. 1 Election Reform Bill contains 800 pages of unclear rules and voting changes. Democrats are rushing to make significant changes, whether or not they are constitutional.

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Not all changes are made to ensure electoral integrity or to close loopholes. Changes that were never considered before were crammed in. It's similar to the Stimulus bill, which had several issues, including taxation.

Changes that should have been put to the vote were kept hidden. Conservatives see it as a direct challenge to election rules and safeguards. Trump is well aware of the danger that the Democratic-led administration poses.

Several points in the election reform bill allow it to circumvent state laws. It enables the federal government (Democrats) to impose changes on states that are opposed to them. Another argument is that the Democrats can gain more votes by removing state voter control.

Supposedly created as a deterrent to voter fraud and cheating. This bill will jeopardize the rights of legal voters over those who are not. With their bill, Democrats hope to make illegal immigration legal. These changes, according to Trump, are a threat to election integrity.

H.R. 1 is not constitutional, according to the letter signed by 20 Republican attorneys general. The House and Senate have been urged to acknowledge flaws written in by Democrats. According to the DEM-sponsored bill, this allows the legalization of mail-in votes.

The provisions drafted by House Democrats are, for all intents and purposes, unconstitutional. They added options for people who don't have a valid ID to be able to vote. Even illegal late ballots were accepted, paving the way for another election in 2020.

The bill, according to Trump, will make it difficult for Republicans, not Democrats, to win. Adding Democrats to the mix will result in a legal nightmare of a 2020 campaign.

It is unclear whether H.R. 1 Election Reform Bill will be seated with a 50/50 GOP and DEMS split. It requires 60 votes to pass; the House lost Rep. Bennie Thompson's vote (D-Miss.).

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