President Joe Biden misspoke on Thursday while offering updates on the inoculation progress in the United States. He pertained to Vice President Kamala Harris as "President Harris."
Biden's Slip: 'President Harris'
According to Biden, when he and "President Harris" undertook a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses providing vaccinations said that each shot was like administering a dose of hope. Harris joined the president for his White House speech, but her reaction to his slip of the tongue was not recorded in the official video feed, reported New York Post.
Under the president's tenure, the federal government has undertaken an effort to swiftly immunize the population. It seems on track to distribute 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses in Biden's first 100 days in office. Also, Biden recently signed a coronavirus relief package worth $1.9 trillion into law.
Biden also earlier appeared to forget Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's name during his remarks on March 8 over the nomination of two female Air Force generals. According to Biden, "It's my great honor to serve as your commander-in-chief." He looks forward to hearing their active duty and recommendations of how they will coordinate to keep the American public safe and meet challenges in the 21st century. He added that he wants to thank them both, reported Daily Caller.
Biden, 78, stated the hardest hit and suffered the most were particularly Latino, Black, Native American, and rural communities. He did not acknowledge his mistake and went on to expound on the benefits of the vaccine dissemination.
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The 78-year-old made a similar mistake back in December 2020 when he was talking about publicly taking the novel coronavirus vaccine. He stated, "I took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took hers today for the same reason." reported Mediaite.
At the same time, Biden declared the administration would achieve its goal of 100 million vaccines administered in 100 days on Friday. It would be the 58th day of the Biden administration. At this point, he stated 65% of people aged 65 and older had been administered at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine.
During the 2020 presidential campaign, then-President Donald Trump accused Biden multiple times of being in mental decline. He claimed Democrats would cite the 25th Amendment to replace Biden with Harris.
Biden remarked they believe in speed and efficiency that should be parallel with fairness and equity.
Prone To Gaffes
The president is prone to making gaffes. He once described himself as a "gaffe machine." He conceded that he has a tendency to misspeak.
During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden made multiple verbal mistakes. He even got into heated engagements with voters and reporters.
Harris' Potential as the Next President
Biden's remarks come after a UK-based bookmaker flagged Harris as a potential 2024 Democratic frontrunner previously this March. Ladbrokes odds displayed she is the most favored to be next president, with 22.2 percent implying the probability to Biden's 20 percent chance and Donald Trump's 14.3 percent probability.
According to White House Press Secretary Jen Psak on Tuesday, Biden will hold his first solo press conference on March 25. This week, Biden and his key advisors are traveling to celebrate the recently signed COVID-19 relief package.