US Air Force B-52 Does Tests First Hypersonic Missile, Actual Firing to Follow

A US Air Force B-52 will test-launch its first Hypersonic Missile ever! Once the checks are done, the actual firing of the missile follows. These weapons are important for the U.S Air Force to be equipped once it passes testing to be armed on B-52s soon.

Hypersonic missile for US offense and defense

The rocket, officially known as the Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), was delivered to Edwards Air Force Base in California on March 1. All the ground tests for flight testing began the next day. The Air Force verified the news about ARRW, reported Eurasian Times.

For the record, it was the first to be an operational super-duper missile. It gives the USAF a chance to catch up with competitors.

The ARRW would be positioned under the B-52 Stratofortress bomber during the flying drill. The bomber carries the missile in past captive carry tests. It is located on the pylon on the left-wing.

BTF-1 test vehicle has passed trials, moving ahead. All ground testings are done to make sure it flies with no problem. Brig. Gen. Heath is one of the officers tasked with ARRW missile testing.

It has a laser focused on developing the missile with fewer delays. The first test will be done in the next 30 days. More tests on some more boosters before years end.

Built with cooperation between the US Air Force and Lockheed Martin. It would have taken longer to build with no collaboration.

The ARRW hypersonic missile is so fast that it can fly faster than Mach 5. Hypersonic speeds faster than the speed of sound is very fast! Some of the developers say that it can reach an unbelievable Mach 20.

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Former President Trump called it the 'Super Duper' missile that he approved. He touted it as one weapon in the US arsenal that's hard to beat, adding that speeding to 17-times, the speed of sound is amazing.

The ongoing test will assist in developing the booster test vehicle that carries the ARRW glide vehicle and cargo to the specified targets. Traveling at high speeds to avoid getting shot down, analysts claim the missile has a range of more than 1,000 miles, but finer details are still undeclared.

The BTF-1 will show the booster reaches hypersonic speeds. And collect other necessary information, according to Air Force.

Tests on the vehicle that carries the warhead to make sure it works as planned. Separation and control of the missile away after releasing from the B-52. Nothing should go wrong with via ignition and boost until the glide vehicle separates.

Hypersonic weapon in a great power competition

Russia and China have the lead in making super-fast missiles over the U.S. recently. America is playing catch up to its competitors. Even India has joined the hypersonic weapons race.

The USAF can develop two types of super-duper missiles. One is the hypersonic cruise missile or hypersonic glide vehicles under development. They are ultra-fast and fly faster than the speed of sound.

Whatever altitude they fly up with scramjets, when they go down, it's hard to hit. It is designed to dive from a higher or lower altitude when attacking targets.

America's first hypersonic missile is a ballistic missile or cruise missile combo weapon. It is one of the deadliest arms in the U.S. arsenal in time.

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