US Marines Want New Anti-Ship Missiles to Sink Enemy Ships

US Marines want new anti-ship missiles to sink enemy ships from land. The Marine Corps needs the weapons to amp up mobile warfare strategy.The corps want to fight the Chinese in unconventional strategy with one of their own. One reason US forces are hard to put down is adaptability to different adversaries.

US Marines apply unconventional warfare

The head of US Indo-Pacific Command said Wednesday that lawmakers' plan to reduce funds from the Marine Corps' spending is a mistake. Set aside for allowing leathernecks to shoot anti-ship missiles from land is affecting the US military's ability to deter China. Getting the ability for mobile marines to island hop is important, reported Military.

According to Adm. Phil Davidson told members of the House Armed Services Committee that the Marines need funding for powerful Navy missiles. To allow attacks Chinese ships anywhere and anytime. He mentioned the Maritime Strike Tomahawk and the long-range SM-6 missile as key weapons' for marines as tools.

In 2021, the Marine Corps required $125 million to buy nearly 50 Tomahawk missiles to be used on land. The transition was eventually not approved by Congress.

He suggests that weapons are needed to fight more effectively. US Marines needed to counter adversaries with the right weapons right now. To have potent deterrent as an offense or defense weapon like ship-killers is important.

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Marines need unmanned vehicles to fire the Tomahawk and SM-6. These vehicles will be able to fire anti-ship missiles. It is known as a ROGUE, which stands for "remotely controlled ground unit expeditionary". A vehicle built on the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle's (JLTV) existing frame and be equipped with a launcher system.

In a series of hearings this week, Davidson warned that China's military expenditures are a warning. The Indo-Pacific will be China's by 2026.

If the weapons are not in the Marine Corps hand sooner, then it has lost an advantage. Keeping the capability and advantage to threaten China is important to be ahead. China wants to surpass the US military on all fronts, especially by mid-2050.

Developing long-rang e missiles is needed to counter the Chinese threat in the Indo-Pacific. This allows less risks to get close to the enemy's range. Marines armed with ROGUE platforms can attack anywhere.

Having mobile launchers in marine hands will give the Chinese a hard time finding them. Developing the ROGUE and missiles it carries will cost a lot.

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger says the marines will be a big offensive part of US strategy. Light and mobile marine forces will add to domain entry, deterrence, sea control, and force projection. Movable forces will allow ways to attack Chinese assets and confuse them.

Buying new equipment won't be cheap but its unavoidable. To avoid getting the equipment will be a mistake.

Despite the budget cuts, lost time in production and testing for weapons, that was unexpected. Berger added that he'll need to interest more lawmakers in providing the funds. American forces like the US Marines need the Tomahawk and SM-6 soon.

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