
Is Donald Trump Planning a Rally?

Will Donald Trump Hold a Rally Soon?
American Conservative Union Holds Annual Conference In Florida ORLANDO, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 28: Former U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in the Hyatt Regency on February 28, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Begun in 1974, CPAC brings together conservative organizations, activists, and world leaders to discuss issues important to them. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Some would argue that former President Donald Trump's popularity far surpasses that of Joe Biden. It's somewhat funny how much that little piece of information contradicts reports that Sleepy Joe Biden garnered the most votes in U.S. history, more than his former boss, Barak Obama.

Donald Trump To Pep-Up Supporters Soon

It's been a long time since Trump held his "Make American Great Again" (MAGA) Rallies. However, he recently teased that one might actually be in the works.

The current President has a history of lackluster press conferences, and when he does get excited, it seems as though his brain becomes frazzled. Since being forced into the public eye after a drab campaign where the cognitively impaired president spent most of his time in his basement, Biden has been busy avoiding hard-hitting interviews and questions from conservative news outlets.

On the other hand, with Donald Trump, every appearance is exciting, and supporters are sure to turn out in the thousands for the long-awaited rally, as reported by the Epoch Times.

Last Tuesday in Florida, the former president informed his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, that he is thinking about doing a rally reasonably soon. He said he wants to remind everyone that the future is still bright despite what Biden has done—and undone. Since his term ended on January 20, the former president has not held a significant event and many MAGA supporters are sure to support it.

"I have a lot of fun doing them. But, more importantly, I believe we will spread the word." He adds that "You can tell if you won a state when you have rallied. A rally can say to me whether we're going to win a state. If we set up a rally 24 hours in advance and have 35, 40,000 people show up, that's a good sign for Donald Trump."

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"There were 55,000 in Florida and 52,000 people in Butler, Pennsylvania. Numbers were a significant factor to know how well it went—contrasted to Biden, who never mustered such numbers in any rally."

"When 52,000 people show up for a rally in a short period, people wait in line four days before the date and sleeping in tents. Add accommodations, getting there, leave, and say there's no way I lost Pennsylvania." He went on to say it was a joke and the entire thing is fake.

According to the contested election results, Joe won by 20,000 votes despite the Pennsylvania votes getting counted on January 6; not everyone agrees. Not to mention, state results were calculated in Congress in January despite GOP opposition.

Though Trump claimed victory in 2020, Congress eventually confirmed Biden as the election winner, and he was inaugurated later that month.

He says that Biden has done suspect things since assuming office. He pointed out the fact that Biden never answered hardball questions during his campaign and that he's doing the same thing again now.

Donald Trump said people are hoping he will run in 2024. He added that everyone needs to pitch in to help America.

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