A Congressional candidate from Texas gets bipartisan backlash over comments about Chinese immigrants. In a statement, she said that they are not welcome.
The Chinese have been accused of being agents of the Communist Regime and part of America's subversion. These comments got back bipartisan criticism after the published statements.
GOP Congressional Candidate got severe backlash over comments
Texas Republican Congressional candidate Sery Kim remarked in a forum that Chinese immigrants were unwelcome. She was quoted to say the following statement, "I don't want them here at all." After what she said, both Democrats and fellow Republicans gave their thumbs down, as reported by The Blaze.
Her statement made it clear, as quoted. "They steal our intellectual property, they give us coronavirus, they don't hold themselves accountable." Chinese activities were highlighted involving IT theft and even COVID-19, plus the Trump administration repeatedly criticized the Chinese Communist Party.
According to The Dallas Morning News, after Kim said that she does not want Chinese nationals immigrating to the United States, she explained her reasoning. Saying, "They steal our intellectual property, they give us coronavirus, they don't hold themselves accountable." Last, she added, "And quite frankly, I can say that because I'm Korean."
Not all Korean American Republicans think the same way. Two GOP California Reps. Young Kim and Michelle Steel took away their support due to the uncalled-for remarks of Congressional candidate Kim.
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Reps. Kim and Steel are the first Korean American women to serve in Congress. Their mission, according to them, is to promote fellow Asian-American and Pacific Islanders who want to contribute to their communities
Both Korean American representatives felt that Seri Kim's words were inappropriate from someone running for office. They decided she was not fit as a candidate for not watching her words.
"However, she has shown no public remorse, and her words runs contrary to everything we stand for," they said. "We are still unable to accept her nomination in good faith. We will continue to speak out in support of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community."
"I am surprised that in an attempt to fight Asian-American hate, the liberal media is attacking me, an Asian and an immigrant, in an effort to paint me as anti-Asian and anti-immigrant for speaking out against the terrible Chinese Communist Party," Kim said in a statement following losing the endorsements.
Remarks were directed at the Communist Party of China
Kim commented to CNN on Thursday that her comments at the candidate forum "were aimed at the Communist Party of China, not at Asian Americans, especially Chinese immigrants escaping the oppressive regime."
Kim's campaign released a clip of her remarks, but the Dallas Morning News said they were aimed at immigrants. The Blaze requested more footage from the Kim campaign.
Meanwhile, Congressional candidate Sery Kim stands by her comments from the gathering, in which she still rejected arguments that Asian American violence is on the rise. Anti-Asian hate crimes increased by 145 percent in major U.S. cities last year, according to a report published by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University.
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