Even if Joe Biden's policies are credited to the Democrats, achieving school reopening cannot be attributed to him. When President Biden took office after promising school re-openings during the election campaign, they were already in progress. The prior administration was already pushing for it with policies guiding to that objective.
Biden's Policies Cannot Claim Success for School Reopenings
The White House promised that schools will be open in the first 100 days of the Biden administration. It was one of his major platforms if he was to be voted into office. During the middle of February, the president stated that it would be allowing face-to-face classes to happen soon.
The coverage of the class openings will be the majority of K-8 grades, open for in-person instruction five days per week. Plans to expedite the attendance of students will start by the end of April. Getting students back to school is an important step to getting back to normal.
Burbio, a school opening tracking site, checked out data from 1,200 school districts, covering 35,000 schools in 50 states. They declared that face-to-face classes are achievable.
On March 8, about 51 percent of grades K-8 were accessible for traditional in-person instruction, while only 41 percent of middle school grades were open for classes.
Around 55 percent of students will attend school reopening that offers traditional in-person teaching in the week starting April 5, including nearly 64 percent in elementary school, about 50 percent in middle school, and approximately 47 percent in high schools. This trend began way before Biden's policies.
For the record, it was during Trump's term that reopening began in September 2020. But, the pandemic caused lockdowns that affected face-to-face class reopening, said Burbio. Data for that period showed that 19 percent of students opted for in-class lessons rather than online.
If it was not for another lockdown in November 2020 due to the pandemic, a rate of class reopening moving at 2% was at a regular pace. In early January the closures were at their highest point, by that time 31 percent percent of schools were teaching face to face. A steady increase of 2% per week, was progressing regularly since January.
One key feature of the data is that it was not Biden's policies that speed up reopening. Last February 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued guidelines to reopen schools that separated schools into districts as color-coded. They are blue, yellow, orange, and red zones that measure the spread of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.
For the orange and red zones, there will be partial in-person instruction, not face to face based on the CDC guidance. When Burbio analyzed the data regarding traditional instruction, many American children are in red and orange zones. Despite this, the push for school reopening by the Biden administration continues despite CDC warnings.
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