A recent poll found that Democrats doubt the election. This comes as a surprise as Democrats were thought to be 100% behind the President.
A small number of Democrats doubt elections
The media mocked Republicans who couldn't accept the final election results that eventually led to the declaration of Joe Biden as the 46th president. Former President Donald Trump actively questioned what he called electoral fraud that led to complaints and lawsuits. None of them were successful in court, as reported by Washington Examiner Thru MSN.
Another falsification against Trump is his alleged role in the January 6 assault on the state Capitol building. Democrats say that Trump supporters tried to disrupt the Electoral College that led to the then-president's defeat.
David Winston, the president of The Winston Group and a political advisor to House and Senate Republicans, had this to say. "It is an alarming outcome and calls for an involved bipartisan approach to electoral reform and more strengthening than what Congress and the states are doing now."
In the 2016 election, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton for an unexpected presidential win that shocked Democrats. Soon they were claiming that Trump won with Vladimir Putin's help. These two facts got pollster David Winston to look into if the Democrats now share election rejection.
To find out if his hunch was valid, last February the poll 'Winning the Issues' asked 1000 registered voters if the Trump/Biden election was fair.
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Winston revealed to Secrets that Democrats (62%) assert Trump won through Russian assistance and interference. Republicans (61%) are convinced that Biden won illegitimately because of fraud. Both sides have 87% of Democrats and 82% of Republicans trusting there was no cheating.
Winston is quoted saying these statements from the Washington Examiner.
"The acknowledgement of the results from those who lost is the foundation to a functional nation. And what these two elections have shown us is that in both of them, six out of ten voters are dissatisfied with the outcome."
"This is a dilemma that both parties are dealing with, and it has now become a national issue," Winston said.
Winston said that people need to have faith in the electoral process, and doubt will cause discontent and more problems. On one side, the Democrats trying to lessen ballot security, while Republicans push for voter ID and ballot integrity as two opposing actions. He stressed that it falls on the current administration to push positive policies increasing voter trust in elections and assisting Republican leaders on these important issues.
By showing the poll numbers, it should lead to more election integrity. Republicans and Democrats don't trust elections which is a major problem for both parties. If voters and politicians alike have doubts about the integrity of our elections, then how will that effect campaigning and voting. What if everyone just gives up?
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