It can be demoralizing and diminish your self-worth when someone you genuinely love or care about, whether romantically or as a friend, seems to be always on the take and does not reciprocate in the usual way. Honestly, nobody wants to feel that they are just being used. It happens in different ways, and most of the time, these are persons who ask many favors, yet they cannot help you out. It could be someone you genuinely love, your colleague, a friend, or could even be a member of the family.

In this time of the global pandemic, many people are taking advantage of it as a tool to use other persons. In some instances, there are cases where one person gets into a relationship with intelligent people to finish their academic requirements. Sometimes, this person is also using other persons for financial reasons.
In a published article on A Conscious Rethink, here are some signs that will tell you for sure that someone is just using you:
1. They Just Focused Only on Themselves
The user's primary concern is about himself or herself. They imagine themselves as the center of the known world, rotating around which everything else revolves. It's all about their careers, challenges, accomplishments, and communities. And it all boils down to what they desire, need, and what you (and others) can do to help them, according to INSIDER.
They won't care about what's going on in your life if they're too busy concentrating all of their attention on themselves. They would, though, ask you to dedicate a significant amount of time to listen to their self-centered monologue. Your needs will never be taken into account.
2. They Do Not Listen To You
Since a consumer is essentially only concerned with number one, the particulars of your family life, acquaintances, and day-to-day lives will pass them by. Since they don't care about your difficult employer or your ailing parents, they won't be able to remember what you say. It's simple enough to ask a few questions to see how few essential facts about your past they recall.
They aren't interested enough to remember this detail indicates that they aren't a real friend/partner and are taking advantage of your friendship/relationship to fulfill any other (self-serving) need.
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3. They Don't Admire You, You Just Have Money
We all need financial assistance from time to time, and helping a friend out once or twice is never a concern. A repeat creditor, on the other hand, is a different story. If you get repeated calls for assistance, whether it's a few dollars here and there or bigger amounts, you should be cautious, accoding to Paired Life.
When you're out together, keep track of how much you're the one looking for your wallet to pay for dinner, taxis, and other expenses.
It's not natural behavior if you're constantly asked to pay your way or lend money because they seem to depend on you as a source of funds.
It implies that your worth to them is directly proportional to the amount of money flowing from your pockets to theirs.
4. They are Only Nice If They Need Something
Users are astute enough to understand that to get what they want; they must be courteous. When they require a favor, logistical assistance, or borrow something, they may be very sweet and attentive. However, after they've had whatever it is, you'll find that they'll give you short shrift. When they're no longer hunting for anything, they'll turn off the charm.
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5. They Manipulate You So You Cannot Say "No"
Users are experts at persuading you into believing that you can't refuse them. It's a strange power struggle, with them pulling the strings and you jumping to their beat. You're being used if someone places pressure on you to respond by telling you that refusing their appeal will be the end of the world for them. You may feel unable to avoid the danger of being unfriended or abandoned, but those fear tactics should be recognized for what they are: a form of emotional blackmail.