10 GOP Senators "Not Interested" in Biden's New Infrastructure Plan

Last Wednesday, when President Biden's bipartisan cooperation wanted feedback from 10 Republican Senators on the COVID-19 relief, they said no. The president said the chance of his $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal getting approval was nil based on zero bipartisan support.

Republicans ignore Biden's bipartisan cooperation on bills

One of the bills waiting to be passed is the $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal, which the White House wants to get bipartisan support for. When the Democrats passed the COVID relief bill, it was by budget reconciliation; not all the items they wanted were included. There is little chance that Republicans will even consider supporting the $2.3 trillion infrastructure with a bipartisan approach, as reported by The Epoch Times.

The president is quoted giving this answer when asked about Republican's refusal to work with Democrats.

"I would've been prepared to compromise, but they didn't. They didn't move an inch. Not an inch," -Joe Biden.

The 10 Republican senators are Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Rob Portman, Shelley Moore Capito, Todd Young, Jerry Moran, Mike Rounds, and Thom Tillis. All of them attempted to help in drafting the Covid-19 relief package.

After their suggestions on the bill were rejected by the Democrats, they said they collaborated in good faith when drafting their version of the bill. There are disagreements on what items should be added or omitted that both parties consider essential.

Joe Biden's $2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Disguises Socialism

One of the reasons why the Republicans have given bipartisan cooperation is that the Democrats prioritize more. This difference in opinion is crucial for both parties to meet halfway on bills on which they can agree. It did not help that less than 24 hours after discussing it at the oval office, Democrats triggered the reconciliation process to bypass Republican votes.

Republicans added, according to The Epoch Times, that the $618 billion relief plan was was not enough for the Democrats, who pushed for their original version instead. Republicans sent a letter on January 31 that gave an overview of what the COVID relief should include in its coverage.

According to Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), on Feb 28, most of the items in the COVID-19 relief bill are not at all for COVID relief, but a bailout for poorly-managed Democrat states that are essentially requiring Republican states to support.

At the annual conservative conference in Orlando, Florida, Kelly said that Americans need to know that there is already a budget for a trillion dollars already in the budget. The COVID relief bill will add an extra $1.9 trillion on top of that. According to records, the Biden administration is spending on other items that were poorly hidden in the bill.

Rep. Mike Kelly was quoted with the following statement:

"[...] only about 9 percent of that is going to actually go to COVID relief, the other is going to go to backing blue states that have not been able to run themselves the right way."

He added that the government's expenses are taxpayer money and how the Biden administration spends it is crucial when it comes to national debt concerns. Working on bipartisan bills should consider how the money is put to better use.

Joe Biden's $3 Trillion Package to Come Next After Stimulus Bill

Biden Approves $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill Ready for Rollout

Democrats Pass $1.9 Trillion Partisan COVID-19 Relief

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