Former Pres. Donald Trump is expected to tell GOP donors on Saturday that Republicans are expected to take the White House in 2024.

Trump Says Republicans Will Take White House in 2022 and 2024
Former U.S. Pres. Donald Trump is expected to tell the GOP donors that Republicans will win back the U.S. House of legislatures in the 2022 midterms election. The same goes with the 2024 Presidential election in his prepared speech, according to a recently published article in The Hill.
The former President is expected to deliver these remarks during the Republican National Committee's summit in Florida, where he will give his keynote address. This is according to the draft of his speech obtained by different news outlets.
According to a published report in CBS News, the closed-door event was supposed to occur at the Four Seasons Resort in Palm Beach. However, it was found out that the guests were transported to Trump's Mar-a-Lago to hear the former President deliver his speech.
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Trump Optimistic To Win the U.S. Legislature and the White House
Former President Trump is expected to say, "We are gathered tonight to talk about the future of the Republican Party - and what we must do to set our candidates on a course to victory," according to a published report in The Associated Press.
Part of the draft of his speech is his confidence and optimism that members of the Republican party will win the 2022 midterms election and the 2024 Presidential election. He firmly believes that the GOP will reclaim both the House of Congress and Senate.
Meanwhile, it is not clear in the draft of his speech if he plans to run for President and represent the party. The only clear thing is his confidence that Republicans will dominate the upcoming elections.
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Trump Slams Biden Administration
Trump is also expected to slam Pres. Joe Biden for not addressing Congress in the first few weeks in his office. Trump's speech reads, "With an agenda this unpopular, it is no wonder that Joe Biden is the first new president in modern times not to address a joint session of Congress within his first few weeks."
Trump will also tell the donors that the Republican Party will be able to win the House or Senate and Congress because of how the current Democratic Party handles the immigration policies in the country.
It can be remembered that right after Joe Biden took office, he released different executive orders, including unraveling Trump's immigration policy. Following it, there was a surge of immigrants arriving at the different borders.
The numbers of immigrants, including unaccompanied children, are higher compared to the data in 2006. Trump's prepared speech uses this also as an advantage for the party. It reads, "On this issue alone, we can win the House, the Senate, and the White House."
It can be remembered that former Pres. Donald Trump has a strong immigration policy during his time, and it was also part of his agenda in the previous Presidential election.