Biden Thinks of Building Border Walls, Walks Back from His Previous Proclamation

Pres. Joe Biden is now considering building more border walls as the number of illegal immigrants and undocumented children arriving on the borders continues to increase.

Pres. Joe Biden
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during the weekly economic briefing in the Oval Office at the White House. Amr Alfiky-Pool/Getty Images

Biden Is Now Considering To Build Border Walls

Pres. Joe Biden first released a proclamation that terminates Trump's declaration of constructing border walls and stopping its funding. In Biden's proclamation, he stated that it "shall be the policy of my administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall."

According to a recently published article in The Hill, Pres. Joe Biden is now considering continuing the construction of border walls. This is as the young administration continues to face criticisms due to the influx of illegal immigrants and unaccompanied children arriving at the border.

Business Insider also reports that Biden may start the construction at the southern border where there are many immigrants. In fact, the Pentagon's military base, Cam Roberts, was already used to house the undocumented children temporarily.

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Impact of Biden's Proclamation Terminating Trump's Declaration of Border Construction

The situation in the southern border has gotten much worse since Biden's proclamation. Even if he believes that building border walls in the entire southern border is just a waste of time and money, it now becomes a threat to the country.

According to the Border Patrol data, there were around 172,331 immigrants who illegally crossed the borders in an attempt to get inside the United States. This is so far the highest monthly record since 2006.

The impact of Biden's proclamation was felt since January were there where there were around 78,444 apprehensions while 101,028 in February. The agency also added that an increase of 50,000 apprehensions was observed in the first three months compared to last year.

Moreover, results of the survey conducted by the University of Chicago found out that 56 percent of people who participated in the survey disapproved of how Biden handled its new immigration policy.

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History of Southern Border

The United States began erecting border barriers to limit the flow of illegal aliens and drugs in 1993 when former President Bill Clinton built a 14-mile barrier between San Diego and Tijuana.

The southwest boundary had 278 miles of 15-to-18-foot-tall pedestrian fencing and 248 miles of car barrier at the end of former President George W. Bush's tenure, with a total of 526 miles of physical barriers.

While Donald Trump is widely credited with constructing the border wall, 654 miles of border walls had already been built when he became president. That included 354 miles of pedestrian barricades and 300 miles of primary vehicle fencing. Trump constructed 350 miles of replacement or secondary barriers and 15 miles of additional main barriers where none previously existed.

"It's a 2,000-mile fence, but you don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural walls," Trump said some years before he released it. There are cliffs, rivers that are brutal and vicious, and places that are so far away that no one crosses.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Immigrants, Undocumented immigrants, Illegal immigrants